Category Archives: 1.4 Prof. Commitment

Improving through our peers

I have always enjoyed using other people’s work to improve and influence my own. Not only can we learn lots from our peers but we also learn lots about ourselves by comparing writing and learning styles. I am really glad that today we were encouraged to view other’s blogs, read and comment on posts that we particularly enjoyed. I found myself learning and reading things which I had perhaps not even thought about before and feel that I have learned lots of new tips and ways to improve my writing.

I was really interested by one blog in particular which used a game to simulate and create a classroom layout. I had never thought of using so much imagination in relation to my own blog! I also found that referencing throughout a post allows others to see exactly where you got your information from but also gives you the opportunity to easily revisit sites and books which influenced your post. This is definitely something which I plan on doing in future posts.

Some bloggers posted things which weren’t necessarily related to teaching but managed to link their understanding of the original concept and related it to their teaching practice very well. I feel like this is something I could begin to do. I often notice videos or newspaper articles about children or interesting topics but don’t blog them as they don’t relate to what we have been asked to post. Through my peers I have learned that there is no limit to blogging and although something may first seem irrelevant links to education often begin to arise. I hope to continue to post TDTs and now to also post anything interesting I discover and give my opinion on matters. I will definitely be revisiting other sites as I feel that I learned so much in the past hour!