Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




 Self Confidence  X
 Work Under Pressure  X
Team Work  X
 Acting as Leader  X
 Listening to Others  X
Converse Confidently X
 Use Technology X
Problem Solve X
 Think Critically  X


Although it is important to identify where we are now, it is not enough to stop there. We need to reflect upon how we can develop the skills where we are less confident and how we can transfer the skills in which we are confident and competent.

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
 Self Confidence Being self confident will allow me to be able to be in control of a class of children but also feel comfortable in being in this position of control, which effectively will help towards delivering an informative lesson.  While on placement last year, I was given the opportunity to lead lessons in a P5 class. I felt confident enough to lead a literacy lesson and received positive feedback from pupils as well as the teacher of this class, emphasising my ability to stand in front of the class confidently and deliver the lesson.
 Team Work My team work skills will allow me to be an effective member within a team when working alongside fellow colleagues. This will also play a vital role when working with groups of children. I have had various opportunities to work as a member of a team and am able to listen to opinions and suggestions made by other team members as well as put across my own ideas within the group so that I can play an active role within the team.
 Acting as Leader This skill is critical when teaching and will be hugely effective in allowing me to be in total control of a class, thus providing a better learning experience for the class. While on placement last year, there were various occasions whereby I would be left in charge of a group of children. I effectively took a leading role over them and managed to do so confidently.
Converse Confidently This skill will be useful when planning lessons with colleagues as well as helping me to discuss issues with a class of children and being able to provide a positive and relaxed learning environment. At various points in my school career I have had to take part in debates and discussions and therefore my ability to converse in a group has been tested. I am able to argue points and discuss issues with others.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
 Work Under Pressure I will try to embrace opportunities whereby I can work under pressure. Timing myself while writing essays may also be a good way of developing this skill.
Listening to Others I will make a more conscious effort to take onboard others opinions when working within a group and try to reserve my own, thus allowing others to be able to put across their points.
Use Technology I will embrace lectures and tutorials that focus on ICT related topics and try to gain a wider knowledge of Technology. I will be able apply this to my teaching and therefore create a better learning experience for the class.
 Problem Solving Instead of shying away from problems after a few attempts of trying to solve them, I will engage fully in trying to solve the issue at hand and try more solutions instead of merely giving up.
 Think Critically When working on essays, presentations and tasks I will attempt to consider both sides of an argument and develop research so that I am able to give a more balanced response.


B. Managing my Learning

Activity 1

Recognition/Reflection Action
What helps my learning?

Example: “Discussing the topic with others”

How can I utilise this

  • Set up a study group of like-minded peers
  • Engage with the online community
Rewriting notes taken in lectures in more detail
  •  Compare notes with peers to maximise detail within the notes
Debating issues in groups eg. “Nature vs. Nurture” argument
  •  Discuss issues raised outside of lectures in groups to develop a balanced understanding
  • Engage in online discussions to develop knowledge on an issue or topic covered in lectures
Reading lecture notes and PowerPoints beforehand so that I have a brief idea of what to expect from the lecture and a general understanding on some of the issues that will be raised during lecture
  •  Print out lecture notes and PowerPoints and take them to lectures so that I can annotate them and develop own notes as well as have a copy of lecturer’s notes
Engaging with some of the recommended reading before lecturers or conducting my own research on the subject of a lecture
  •  Share any research I find with peers who also share this method of study so that we can each develop our notes and together, gain a wider understanding of a topic before lectures
Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning?

Example: “I am easily distracted”

How can I address this factor?

  • Study in a place were distractions are minimal
  • Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes lectures to keep me focused
Struggle to write fast enough during lectures in order to keep up with lecturer going through PowerPoint
  •  Read lecture notes online before lectures take place and even take fuller notes during this time, leaving me to be able to make more vague notes during lectures
  • When rewriting notes after lectures, do so under timed conditions and therefore attempt to speed up my writing
Organisation skills and planning
  •  Make a more conscious effort to organise my time more wisely, setting aside designated reading times, TDT times etc.

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