Personal vs Professional

I think that making sure that your personal life maintains personal and does not get involved in your professional practice. One thing that may cause difficulties is social media and the role that it plays in your personal life. Teachers need to make sure that if they have a Facebook or Twitter account that they do not post anything that may endanger their career. I’m not saying that teachers shouldn’t have any sort of social media but I feel that they have to be careful and make whatever they are posting online private and make sure that they do not post anything that can jeopardise their teaching career. Parents and children all have Facebook account these days and they may try to add you as a friend but I feel that this would be an unwise move as you do not want to create relationships with people as this is unprofessional.

I have a Facebook account in which I use daily, it is extremely private and I have changed my name so that no one can find me unless I add them as a friend. I previously worked in a primary school and I did not want parents or pupils to add me as a friend so this is when I changed my name so that they were unable to find me and add me.

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