What does it mean to be an Enquiring Practitioner?

What does it mean to be an enquiring practitioner?

Being an enquiring practitioner is important when becoming and being a teacher. It means that we have to be able to work collaboratively and being able to fully commit to working with others. You have to be able to open to new suggestions from your peers and be willing to make changes to teaching and learning styles in which you already have. Making sure that you include all of your pupils within the class and to ensure that all children are able to learn with the teaching style that you have chosen to use. You have to be able to reflect on what you have done in lessons and be open to make changes to things that possibly haven’t worked previously. Being able to be open to suggestion a criticism is key in being an enquiring practitioner as you may have ideas and lessons planned that may not work for some children. Teachers must also make sure that they are sticking to the Curriculum for Excellence.

Being an enquiring practitioner is also important when being a student. In placements we will see so many different teaching styles in which we can adopt if they work or make changes to if you feel that they do not. This will allow us to learn about what kind of teacher that we want to become and will help us to work with our peers in order to succeed.

I think that being an enquring practitioner means that we have to be open to new things and ideas within the classroom, working with our peers in order to achieve and learning new and different teaching styles.

3 thoughts on “What does it mean to be an Enquiring Practitioner?

  1. Hello Alice,
    I really like your post about being an enquiring practitioner. I totally agree with you about being an enquiring practitioner while being a student teacher. Throughout our time at university we will experience different types of placements with different teachers, so it will be good to see that we will be successful teachers in the future due to knowing how to be an enquiring practitioner.
    You’re right about being open to new ideas which we both know is extremely important when being a primary teacher.
    Good job!

  2. Alice I think your post is good as it highlights all the main points about what it means to be an enquiring practitioner both as a student teacher and as a qualified teacher. The part about what it means on placement is really relevant and shows your aware of how you will use being an enquiring practitioner when you go out on placement next year. I enjoyed reading your post.

  3. I totally agree that being open minded is key. Over the course of our studies we will be introduced to many new ideas and as you said, it is vital that we can take the time to research and think about what works and what doesn’t. It’s so easy to become comfortable and unwilling to try out new approaches. As Carys said, it will be interesting to see practitioner enquiry in the workplace.


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