“Are you mad?”

I was given the opportunity to work in a Primary school office in 2013. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn’t believe how quickly I fitted in and started to feel as I was “part of the family.” When I was working in the office I was also at college studying accounting, which I soon discovered wasn’t for me. In fact, I hated it. After a year of working in the school I was asked if I would help out in the classroom working with children with additional support needs. I’d never thought about doing this before but I thought that it would be a good opportunity to work more closely with the children. I would take small groups of children to do writing and numbers and I thought that this was going to be challenging and I was definitely right but it was more challenging than I thought. Once I got to know the group of children more, I could start to see their strengths and weaknesses. They worked hard as they wanted to achieve their best and when they would understand a concept or get an answer right you could see their faces light up. This was extremely rewarding for me as I felt that I was actually helping them to learn something new every day.

I was then asked if I would like to take over some after school clubs within the school and now that I had the experience working with the children I jumped at the opportunity. So I took on a girls Boxing Club and a P2 Science Club. This experience was brilliant as I got to take children for different subjects rather than just numeracy and literacy. In the Boxing club we began each session with a circuit and each week the children would take part in the circuit and it helped me to see how much they progressing with their fitness as every time they would be able to do more than the previous week. Which again was really rewarding as you could see that they were achieving.

These are the main reasons as to why I want to be a teacher as I want to be able to help children learn as it is extremely rewarding. When the teachers at the school found out I was leaving to become a teacher they all had the same response, “are you mad?” and I think I must be. But I can’t wait to get started.

So now the question is, what kind of teacher do I want to be? Which I feel is an extremely difficult question to answer. As I have worked with many different teachers who all have completely different teaching styles. I want to be able to different elements of their teaching styles and work them into what I will be doing. However, I think over the course of the 4 years at university I think I will discover what kind of teacher I want to be and that I will become.


2 thoughts on ““Are you mad?”

  1. Hey Alice,
    I really like your blog post! When I did work experience the teachers would always say things like ‘Has this not changed your mind?!’ the same kind of way they asked if you were mad hahah!
    I really like how the school you worked in gave you the opportunity to work with the children and it totally proved to you that teaching was what you wanted to do!
    I totally agree with you when you say about the degree helping you make up your mind on what type of teacher you want to become!
    Carys 🙂

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post about your journey on wanting to become a teacher, I completely agree with the point you made about taking elements from all the teachers you have worked with to create your own individual teaching style.


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