This pathway provides an introduction to digital collaboration and communication, including support on the tools available and approaches to consider. It is a flexible ‘anytime, anywhere’ pathway allowing you to tailor your learning to your needs. There are also links to further professional learning pathways and our live webinars. The pathway is designed with SSSC standards in mind.

SSSC Codes of Practice – Scottish Social Services Council

1. Getting Started with Workplace Tools for Collaboration

Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace are the two most commonly used platforms across Scotland that allow easier and more effective communication and collaboration between ELC staff teams. These platforms allow you to plan learning, update colleagues and attend events, at cluster, local and national levels. With more ELC practitioners working at different times throughout the day, making the most of these time saving tools can really help to improve workflow and decrease workload. 


google workspace logo

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety

When planning to support children with positive online experiences you should start with the Digital Literacy experience and outcomes for cyber resilience and internet safety (CRIS). 

Ensuring the cyber resilience and internet safety experience and outcome is embedded across settings is the responsibility of all practitioners.  This Digital Literacy experience and outcome strongly links with the Health and Wellbeing curriculum and is a safeguarding and child protection responsibility for all practitioners. Key messages of Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety can and should be reinforced through everyday play experiences along with all other personal safety key messages. 

2. Embedding Digital Literacy Through Play Pedagogy

Learning with and through digital technology opens so many possibilities for creativity. Realising the Ambition tells us that creativity is about much more that the expressive arts, it is the ability to wonder about things and see them or use them differently, a crucial element of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). 


3. Capturing and Assessing Learning Evidence

Many of our settings now have a range of digital tools available to support learners to document their learning, by allowing them to creatively capture their voice and interactions.

4. Celebrating and Sharing Learning Digitally

Digital allows ELC practitioners to use a range of digital tools to help make home learning content more accessible, in an engaging early level friendly way.