Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Don’t Miss the Orchard Fun Day This Sunday


Our School and Nursery Sustainability Committee have organised an Orchard Fun Day for this Sunday – 3rd October from 1pm to 3pm.

There are lots of exciting activities to enjoy for all the family.  These include:

Workshops from The Little Foragers Kitchen, where you can learn how to make healthy sweets, identify edible wild food and learn about their health benefits.

Apple Juicing- Have a go at making fresh apple juice using an Apple Press.  We would welcome any donations of eating apples from fruiting apple trees.

Insect Crafting Activities

Rounders and Sports Games on the Pitch

Take Part in our Orchard Survey

Re-wrap it Stall- pick up a re-usable food wrap from the Re-wrap it stall – (please pay in cash!)

And hopefully some live music and cake too!! We hope you can come along and join in the fun!

Our orchard is a really special place- this year lots of effort has gone into planting hundreds of  new plants to encourage biodiversity and over the summer, the orchard was absolutely teaming with wildlife.  Maintaining this wonderful resource for our school and nursery is a lot of work and we really appreciate the time that our volunteers put in.  Eric and Charles have spent many hours cutting the grass, so our children can use the area to play in, and Anne has spent a lot of time and energy creating plants for us from cuttings and filling our orchard with an amazing array of colourful plants.  Volunteers are crucial to our orchard-  we are very aware of  the need to encourage new orchard helpers to keep this fabulous resource for our school and our community beautiful and productive.  Please consider coming along to our Fun Day and to the Orchard Working Days – they are good fun and there are always jobs for volunteers of all ages and abilities making it a perfect family activity. Helping our planet and having fun working together are very worthwhile things to teach our children.

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