Tag Archives: Religion

Religious and moral education elective!

For my elective moduel I have selected religious and moral education.

This first week we have been asked to look over three key religions. Christianity, Judaism and Islam and identify the key similarities and differences between the three. I have chosen two areas in which I will compare the two, Jesus and salvation are topics in which I wish to discuss.

Primarily, Jesus in Christianity is the second of the holy trinity, the son born of the Virgin Mary sent down from heaven to relieve all of humanity of there sins. In Judaism, Jesus is originally a Jewish person not one of great importance. So these two relgions differ greatly in terms of Jesus. In terms of Islam Jesus is viewed in a similar way to both. He is thought to have been sent from Allah (God) and be bore by Mary yet not a Devine person.

The second way in which I shall compare the three religious is their view towards salvation. In Christianity salvation can be achieved by “by grace in faith through Jesus Christ” Ephesians 2-8:9. In Judaism, salvation can be achieved through the grace of God and good deeds get there is no alignment with Christianity in terms of atonement. Finally in terms of Islam salvation is achieved when personal righteousness outweighs personal sin.

As I am now aware there are some parallels to the religions yet some extreme differences.