Tag Archives: Vygosky

Reflective Commentary on the MA Primary Education Course

This part of my eportfolio will allow me to reflection upon my professional development. Here is where I will reflect upon TDT’S as well as seeing the purpose and value of the educational process in University. I understand that reflection is extremely important for all professions, especially for teaching as the need to constantly improve and update your learning is so important, with the need to follow the GTC’s standards.


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During my time of the course I have learned that social media can be a good or a bad thing. Especially in within the education system, as children are becoming more and more engaged with technology. Prior to my time here I felt that social media was not for inside the classroom, and that online gaming belonged outside the classroom. However, upon reflection I have been able to develop my thoughts, whilst I still believe the use of facebook for children and teachers should be prohibited,( you can view this in my  The developing child TDT.docx ) I now believe that interactive sites and games does have some place in the classroom. This is after looking at our lectures Derek Robertsons blog about the theorist Vygosky “playing” minecraft which is a game that children like to play online. You can view this here http://http://hotmilkydrink.typepad.com/my_weblog/2014/08/if-vygotsky-played-minecraft.html .