MA1 Action Plan

My Action Plan for year 1.

Month Plan for the month
November My plan for this month is to finish my first assignment “Are teachers Professionals” and edit it. This is so that I can then begin to revise for my exam.
December My plan for December is to have my dyslexia test completed. Also to have revised enough for my exam. Then hopefully will have passed successfully.
January In January I hope to have handed in my social work assignment and completed social work. Then I will be able to concentrate on gaining knowledge and theory that will help my on my placements.
February This month I hope to have gained enough theory that I can find it when I go on my placement in a school.
March/April Over March and April I will have a placement in a school. I hope to use my knowledge from my previous placement to adapt my behaviour management skills, also the way I teach a class. This will be very exciting and I will work my way up to teaching a class.
May/June/July Leading towards the end of first year I hope to have acquired the knowledge that will be a stepping stone and help me on my second year on the course. I hope to have completed any assignments given to me and be confident enough that I will move onto second year with no issues.

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