Category Archives: edushare

My Educational Philosophy.

I am Lewis Edgar in the University Of Dundee studying for an MA (Hons) in Education. I arrived here by working as hard as I possibly could to achieve my life goal, to become a primary school teacher. From a young age it has always been an ambition of mine to be accepted into a university to the course I had always desired. I did this by working to the best of my abilities in fifth year to achieve as many higher qualifications as I possibly could, I achieved this through self-motivation and a lot of hard work. In the summer of 2013 when I got my results sent in the post, I had achieved what I had hoped for, so in 6th year all I had to achieve was a B in higher English and a B in any other subject. Throughout the course of 6th year with the help of my teachers and my very helpful English tutor I worked as hard as I possibly could to achieve my goal. When I received my invitation to interview at the University Of Dundee in January it motivated me to work harder as my goal was in sight. After receiving a conditional offer for the course I had always wanted to and been accepted after meeting my conditions, I was into the University Of Dundee to study MA (Hons) Education.

In 6th year I did placement once a week for a few hours at a local primary school. This helped me know that my decision to study Education at university was definitely the correct choice for me. The challenges and difficulties were worth working through as it gave more experience in the field which I wanted to study. Placement made me realise that teaching was not what I initially thought it would be, it was a lot more, which I found to be better than I expected it to be.

My goal is to work and do the best I can over the next four years and I would love to become an enthusiastic and supportive teacher who will always do everything to the best of my ability. I would like to be a teacher who is supportive and is a positive role model for children. It’s highly important, in my opinion, as a teacher to try to make a difference to the next generation of teaching and strive to achieve goals and objectives. This is the teacher I would like learn to become over the next four years at university.

Being an undergraduate student means a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve your goals in life. I have always believed that if you really want something you can work to your hardest and you will achieve it. I think being an undergraduate shows this, to become a university student, in anything you want, all you have to do is to work to your upmost and strive to achieve. My 6th year placement prepared me for being an undergraduate in Education. This prepared me for the challenges and issues I may experience during my professional practice during my time in my course in university. Personally, I believe being an undergraduate involves being prepared and always keeping on top on things. This will prevent many things coming up at once and therefore will help prevent stress and possibly a lack of time and effort being able to be put into one assignment or piece of work.