Monthly Archives: September 2019

Why do I want to be a teacher?

Throughout my school career I have had many opportunities to work with younger children. At my primary school I became a Young Sports Leader which involved volunteering at school sporting events and clubs, both during and after school.

I continued with this role at high school  for six years. This led me to volunteer at sports camps during my school holidays where I would lead a group of children aged between 4 to 12 years old. In these groups we would focus on one specific skill required for a particular sport. For example, one day the sport was basketball and the children participated in a dribbling, a passing and a shooting drill. I really enjoyed my role as a Young Sports Leader because all of the children had different capabilities due to the age range. This provided me with a challenge to make an activity suitable for a 4 year old but still fun for a 12 year old.

In addition, by being a Young Sports Leader a met a woman called Jackie. As well as the summer camp taking place in the sports centre, Jackie was running an ASN multi-sports club. I quickly showed my interest in volunteering for Jackie and began to attend the club regularly. Athletics, volleyball, trampolining and boccia were a few of the sports that we taught at the club. I often worked one to one with a child which I found really rewarding since I could see first-hand their development throughout the activity and their excitement when they learned a new skill.

My experience as a Young Sports Leader started my passion for teaching. It is fulfilling to witness children being enthusiastic about learning as well as seeing the pride on their faces when they are succeeding. This is why I want to be a teacher.