Why teaching?

Teaching isn’t just a job, every single person on this planet is a teacher. Any aspect of knowledge one individual can provide to another is a teaching and a learning experience regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or profession. However only some of these people dedicate this lifetime of learning to actually teaching others every single day by choice- by profession. These people are teachers, they are considered secondary carers for their pupils and a role model. It is exactly for this reason I love teaching.

Helping a child to gage their learning styles, adapt to social situations, input into discussion, and flourish their knowledge in all topic areas is the most fulfilling and wonderful feeling ever. As a teacher you are shaping minds, creating opportunities, and giving every pupil you reach the chance to become whatever they want to be by providing them with all the tools you can supply.

From my previous experiences in three different learning environments both primary and nursery and my work teaching in the Army Cadet Force I have had my fair share of experience in teaching kids. Its not easy. No one will ever tell you this job is easy, most teachers you will ask can give you a hundred and one reasons why it is such a hard career, but its not about being easy. This job is not for the faint hearted, as a teacher you must be bold, composed and aware at all times- as a teacher you will be tested and pushed to all of your limits- but also as a teacher you will learn every single day from your pupils and co-workers, you will thrive and work of the achievements of your pupils, and you will help every learner you come into contact with in one way or another.

Eventually you as a teacher may have helped 100s of young people to grow, develop, and achieve. Because of you multiple children will have the stepping stones in life to achieve the greatest things.  Think of your favourite celebrity/ athlete/ any person in fact? Almost all of them had a teacher! Now why wouldn’t you want to do that?

2 thoughts on “Why teaching?

  1. Avatar photo

    An interesting post that shows you are obviously very excited at the prospect of becoming a teacher, as well as being aware of the demands of the profession.

  2. You have highlighted the tasks that teachers face throughout a child’s journey in learning and it’s clear that you are looking forward to taking on the role!


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