How to turn a page- volume I

During a Language workshop on reading I was forced to consider my thoughts on reading.

I love reading- that is if by reading you mean: Twitter, Facebook, Texts, Messages, and Magazines (I can proudly say I’ve read over two years worth of Cosmopolitan Magazine- until a few months ago as they changed their editor and now I’m not such a fan )


This counts right? Probably not in my best interest, 50% of the time I barely finish a whole English word in a text that’s not the best practice.

Books however… I’m not such a fan. Since the 50 shades trilogy and the new book in that collection I can’t even think about the last book I read. That sounds awful doesn’t it!

I can’t cope with the the thought of reading- even for assignments I struggle to open a book and I have no idea why! It would benefit me greatly, they’re free at the library, it’s arguably the most reliable resource available- so why won’t I pick up a book, stick my nose in it, and just read.

In school I loved reading aloud I was very confident in my reading and enjoyed having all eyes on me (not to brag but I did win the burns competition every year from p1 to p6) -but that was reading aloud- I was acting, showing off it made it fun. Being hauled up at an uncomfortable desk neck arched over a book probably held by over 100 peoples grubby fingers does not appeal to me in the slightest. My mind wanders, I daydream, next thing I know I’ve read five pages and taken in nothing (but I know exactly what I’ll make for dinner, what I’ll wear out at the weekend, and that I have to text my pal as soon as possible) so I give up.

im very disappointed in myself. Throughout the lecture I was possessed on this thought “Why can’t I just read?” The fact is I’ve persuaded myself I don’t like it and in order to get to grips with my inner bibliophile I need to get sorted get comfy and stick in.

Fingers crossed!





Documenting ones personal thoughts, feelings, achievements, work, progress, experiences, and views is a daunting thought. Spelling errors, punctuation flaws, and shawdy sentence structure is just the least of your problems. Someone somewhere might delve into the deepest darkest parts of the internet in who knows how many years to come to reveal the work of a 1st year university student- the thought is terrifying! Can anything ever really be deleted from the internet? The chances are low!

That being said what could be more delightful than a fully qualified teacher looking back at the start of their learning journey, those mix matched scrambled posts that provided the foundation to the career and lifestyle they hold today. The internet their personal scrapbook- that will not wear away or tear but remain embedded in technology, to be produced from its cyber sleep for a pleasurable reminisce.

Having trawled through my peers portfolios I have seen some wonderful pieces about their lives and experiences some I can relate to myself. These pieces of work expose this person but not to criticism or taunt- these posts make them known, they tell their story and we in turn learn. The Eportfolio, a massive portal for all our MA1 course and those outwith to embrace together.

In person you can present the front of who you want to be online you can achieve this ten fold. Folk too shy to engage with a stranger will happily tap out a feedback post for them, sure this isn’t going to automatically create an undying friendship but it does form an unlikely relationship between two people that share the same goal but completely different lives.

What I am trying to say is: although Eportfolio seems like a daunting place where all personal views are read and judged (sometimes positively sometimes not), it can create a relationship between two strangers, it can inform others, it exposes the individual you are and want to be in the simplest form of text.

“The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. it lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn before, so in a sense it is all about potential.” – Steve Ballmer

Animoto- the fab online resource

Animoto is an online site that allows its user to generate videos made up of images, a piece of music, and some text. This simple method of teaching when used effectively can be a huge asset to a lesson.

Simply using three component features of image text and sound a hard hitting impact can be made provided they are relevant and effective.

In a workshop looking at different effective means of using online resources to deliver lessons and information to a class it was one of the stand out methods along with: Fakebook- a Facebook parody account that allowed its user to create an online profile that could be used as a teaching tool, and Prezi- a site that travels across an image exploring all of its different parts.

For the TDT I chose to create and Animoto on internet safety as it was easy, simple, and produced a solid final product that could be presented to group of children to warn them on the dangers of pop ups or spam emails on the computer.

SPLASH- The Animation

In an input explaining the vast variety of ways to create and produce animation in a class we were challenged to work creatively.

We started from 2 simple images on one sheet of paper, to several in a book, onto pivot the computer programme, and finally onto filming with plasticine models. The input not only taught the MA1 class to carry out these fab ideas but how to use them in a classroom and engage learners into working with them.

This method of education can cover extensive topic areas in an interactive way that is fun and has an end product that could last a lifetime.

Inserted in this entry is a copy of a short animation we tried in the workshop called “SPLASH”!

Online unit 1

Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities

  1. Identifying Skills and Abilities

Activity 1

  1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Self Confidence x
Take Risks x
Team work x
Act as a leader x
Debate formally and informally x
Use technology x
Problem solve x


Activity 2

  1. Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How I will use these How do I know (evidence)**
Self Confidence I will use this to assert my position within any role I am placed and to adapt to the situation so my skills can be used to their most potential. I know this skill is developed as I am easily adapting to social situations and voicing my opinion with confidence.
Take Risks I will use this skill to challenge my opinions ideas and studies by taking risks in the hope it will enhance my knowledge experiences or activities. In previous observations conducted I have instigated new ideas and witnessed
Team Work I will use this skill to motivate others to ensure that everyone’s opinion is heard, everyone’s strengths are highlighted and to create good team spirit. I know this skill as i am constantly in a team environment because I am a member of the hockey team, netball team and cadets where I regularly have to work collaboratively with others.
Act as a leader I will use this skill to delegate roles to others so that the workload is spread out. Not only this delegation allows every member to feel valued and encouraged to do well with the responsibility and to be treated as an equal. I know I have this skill as I am an instructor at cadets which involves me giving instructions to other and to take individual control of a lesson.


Recognition Reflection Action
Skills to be developed How I will develop these How do I know (evidence) **

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

The Enquiring Practitioner

Practitioner enquiry entails discovering an approach which can be supported by sound evidence. This information can then be shared allowing it to be more than an individual analysis or view.

Being an enquiring practitioner requires a high level and maintenance of professionalism. Being in this position consists of: developing professional knowledge and understanding; exposing beliefs, assumptions, values and practices; knowing and evidencing impact; developing an enquiring disposition; being and becoming an enquiring professional; leading and developing; knowing why, what, and how; legitimate knowledge creators; being critical; thinking; questioning; developing understanding; having a voice; and investigating. (, 2015)

Benefits of this position are that it stands the teachers ad educational professionals in good stead to empower them in their practice. Being aware of all these factors to develop practitioner enquiry can result I serious improvements to pedagogy and curriculum thus improving the standard and quality of learning for the pupils and young people. Staff are able to work individually or collectively I order to work towards this. (, 2015)

Although their are a surplus of benefits there proves to be some challenges as the information processed is based solely on one place and therefor may not be effective elsewhere. (, 2015)

As student teachers the process of practitioner enquiry allows us to monitor and develop our practice. It will allow us to investigate strategies and experiences that we may already have looked at or want to case up for university work.  We will also increase our knowledge of teaching and learning thus enabling them to make more professional and autonomous judgements ad to enhance their self-esteem and professional enquiry. (, 2015)


Bibliography:, (2015). Practitioner Enquiry | General Teaching Council for Scotland. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Nov. 2015].

Reddit- The front page of the internet.

Reddit describes itself as the front page of the internet. This is not far from the truth- clicking a link in Reddit will send you to the deepest depths the online world has to offer. Gifs, images, videos, links, posts, questions, streams, polls, surveys, news… all of these can be found in Reddit as well as  so much more.

As teachers and students we can use this online tool to: revolutionise the way we gain information, have our questions answered and share our findings to the world. If you have an unanswerable question Reddit is the place for you- with thousands of questions being answered and debated every day.

Comments and posts are upvoted or downvoted leaving them with a score that can push them up and down a feed, or determine their category: Gilded, Upvoted, Downvoted, and Contraversial to name a few.

Explaining Reddit in a few lines is very challenging as it holds such a vast amount of information in so many ways- the only way you can really understand is if you have a look for yourself…



How did your gender affect you when you were a child?

I can never remember a time where my gender once afflicted me. Having a younger brother my memories of childhood consist of playing princesses with him but also playing pirates, we played both with Barbie and Action Man, and fought over the best Skaletrix car and once even over my ballet dress.

We had the same dinner, the same bed time, the only thing different about us was our appearance and 2 years, but even then only just. We are both loved the same and were granted the same opportunities growing up.

Even in school this ideology hardly swayed- the boys and girls dressed for PE together in the same place and all played together in the playground. Girls played football and boys went to ballet. All the class were invited to birthday parties and when there didn’t split into specific gender group. Everyone played together, sat together, sang together, learnt together.

Obviously on occasion gender would influence the setting for example getting into a line at mealtimes or for assembly, the Christmas play when boys would act in male roles and girls in the female ones- however at the time this wasn’t deemed an issue more a normality.

As a child I was far too innocent to let the issue of gender come into play. It hardly affected me and I believe that’s exactly how it should be.

Why teaching?

Teaching isn’t just a job, every single person on this planet is a teacher. Any aspect of knowledge one individual can provide to another is a teaching and a learning experience regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity or profession. However only some of these people dedicate this lifetime of learning to actually teaching others every single day by choice- by profession. These people are teachers, they are considered secondary carers for their pupils and a role model. It is exactly for this reason I love teaching.

Helping a child to gage their learning styles, adapt to social situations, input into discussion, and flourish their knowledge in all topic areas is the most fulfilling and wonderful feeling ever. As a teacher you are shaping minds, creating opportunities, and giving every pupil you reach the chance to become whatever they want to be by providing them with all the tools you can supply.

From my previous experiences in three different learning environments both primary and nursery and my work teaching in the Army Cadet Force I have had my fair share of experience in teaching kids. Its not easy. No one will ever tell you this job is easy, most teachers you will ask can give you a hundred and one reasons why it is such a hard career, but its not about being easy. This job is not for the faint hearted, as a teacher you must be bold, composed and aware at all times- as a teacher you will be tested and pushed to all of your limits- but also as a teacher you will learn every single day from your pupils and co-workers, you will thrive and work of the achievements of your pupils, and you will help every learner you come into contact with in one way or another.

Eventually you as a teacher may have helped 100s of young people to grow, develop, and achieve. Because of you multiple children will have the stepping stones in life to achieve the greatest things.  Think of your favourite celebrity/ athlete/ any person in fact? Almost all of them had a teacher! Now why wouldn’t you want to do that?

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