MA1 Placement

Goals For Placement

1. From 2.1.2 “Have knowledge and understanding of the relevant area(s) of pre-school, primary or secondary curriculum”, my goal is to be in a position to go on placement with as full and secure a knowledge as possible, in order that I am in the best possible position to teach effectively, through keeping up with the necessary reading. I believe that my class will be doing Dundee/Scotland as their class topic so I will try to prioritise this knowledge.

2. From 2.1.3 “Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes”, my goal is to be able to put together a full and coherent lesson plan, meaning that I will be able to teach my lessons in a way that maximises learning. My focus will be aimed at creating relevance to pupils to engage interest in my lessons.

3. From 3.1.3 “Employ a range of teaching strategies and resources to meet the needs and abilities of learners”, my aim is to explore the resources available within the school, and try to incorporate some into my lessons, especially any that I have not come across before. I am also aiming to try and then use as many different teaching strategies as I can in order to learn what works best for my class and therefore give pupils the best learning opportunities from me as possible.



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