Team Building

Learn a good team building activity. (2 Hours)

Choose a team building activity that you could use to promote ‘building relationships’ in the classroom.  Organise a group of volunteers from the MA course and try out the activity (Aim for a full class!)

Evidence:  Include a copy of the team building activity, photographs or video of the event and reflect on the implications for using this within a full class. 

Personal Thoughts:

Both of these activities were done using a full class and a small group during two outdoor learning lessons; one on campus, one in Dudhope Park. They were both rather entertaining to do, particularly the Shepherd & Sheep activity. However, during the activity (in the outdoors) I did begin to think about certain things which may have to be considered if done with a class of my own. This was because as an individual with a hearing impairment and who wears a hearing aid on a regular basis I did feel that being placed too far away from the shepherd may have implications; particularly due to my hearing aid being broken on this day (typical). However I did not have too much of a problem due to my peers being aware and making some adjustments (ie. louder banging on drum etc.). This therefore made me consider how I could ensure the activity is inclusive to all those participating if carried out in the future.

Each of the activities can be viewed as a word document –

Team Building Activity 1

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Team Building Activity 2


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