Digital Technologies – Mobile Devices- 27/2/18

Mobile devices have become an increasingly important part of modern day life with Sophie Curtis (2014) stating, “Over 4 in 10 households now have a tablet meaning that children are becoming computer-literate before they start primary school.” This statement shows just how crucial technology can be for young people. As this is so relevant, technology has become an integral part of classroom learning as well, with it not being used just in ICT lessons but being transferred into different areas of the curriculum like English, Maths and Science.

Curtis also emphasised, ” By using technology within a classroom setting better reflects the children’s lives outwith the classroom, but helps them improve their digital skills that will be transferable to adult life.” Helping children develop skills that are essential for living and working in the modern world is extremely important for teachers as it allows the children to fulfil their potential, whether it’s problem solving skills to being able to work within a team. Having seen my own skills develop through using different kinds of technology during this module, it is invaluable that as teachers we help pupils hone in on their own skills as they are essential for adult life.

However, research done in 2015 found that nearly half of teachers hardly use the technology within their classroom, with most of them blaming a lack of knowledge about technology or being unsure how to incorporate it into their lessons. A third of these teachers then said that when technology is being used properly within the lesson it can improve students’ results. This admission shows just how important it is for teachers to be educated on using technology themselves, as well as how to integrate it within the curriculum. I feel that teachers would benefit from more training to do with technology as whilst we might be confident using elements of technology we may not be sure how to incorporate mobile devices into different curricular areas rather than just ICT.

This week in Digital Technologies, we were looking at the Easi-Speak microphones and were to use this piece of technology to create sound clips to accompany an I am poem we had been asked to write. Due to a hospital appointment with my daughter I was not able to attend this session but I have created my own I Am … poem and attached a picture of it as shown.

An I Am… poem based on myself

References [Accessed: 10/4/2018] [Accessed:10/4/2018]

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