Category Archives: Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Serial Day Tasks

During your eight serial days, you should gather this information, by observing, speaking to class teachers and other colleagues, interacting with learners, reading school policies, and any other appropriate activities.  You should consider and identify the most appropriate ways(s) to record this information.

Mapping of school grounds/area. 


Evidence of existing engagement with sustainable education within the school such as garden area, recycling bins, litter picking ‘wardens’, bird boxes, and so on. 

There are recycling bins in the playground as well as in each classroom. In my class, there is an eco-warden whose responsibility is to empty the classroom recycling bin and turn the lights off whenever the class leave the classroom. There are “Learning for Sustainability” posters in each class as well as in the dining hall and corridors. A litter policy is also displayed in every class with each class having an eco-responsibility. Outside, they have a bug hotel – similar to the one at university campus- as well as bird feeders and a garden area with plants and scarecrows. In addition to this, the school is a Rights Respecting School. Each class makes a class charter disclosing their rights and responsibilities.


Consideration of actual play space for children and its suitability. 

From my initial observation, I thought the school grounds mostly consisted of a large concrete area with some grass. However, after discussing with pupils and exploring the outside area for myself it became clear there was more than just hard ground. In the Infant playground, there was a grassy area with an ‘Enchanted Forrest’ this is a wooden play area in which the classes have access to on certain days of the week. In the Senior playground, there is a climbing wall in the far corner in addition to an AstroTurf (the senior classes have access to this on certain days of the week).


Discussion with children on these aspects of sustainable education. When asked, pupils feel there is a good balance between concrete and grassy space in t eh playground. They seem passionate about the Sustainable Development strategies used throughout the school. The strategies have been well implemented, this is evident from children taking their role of eco warden very seriously and tasks such as switching lights off are more of a habit than a chore.