
Aggregation Icon Aggregation is the bringing together of content to your blog automatically.

This can be as simple as using a widget to bring in tweets or lists posts from another site in a widget.

There is informantion on the Twitter Widget and RSS Widget on Glow Blog Help. A few example below.

It can also involve bringing together content from many blogs using the syndication plug-in.

There is more information on the Syndication Plugin on the Glow Blog Help blog. Where these is also information on Running An Aggregated Course or Collaborations using the plugin.

The UODEDUSHARE the central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee is a example of a large aggregation of many student teacher blogs.

Widget Examples

Since we are using the Make theme we can add widgets to Posts and Pages.  Here we have added a twitter widget and the feed from the  Glow Connect blog.

The Help blog has help on Widgets in general, the Twitter Widget and the RSS One.