
eportfolio iconGlow Blogs provide one way to tackle e-portfolios/profiling. Posting regularly to a blog allows pupils to track their learning.

Throughout the pre-school and school years, young people’s skills development across learning will need to be recognised and captured in records and reports for parents and others. Learning portfolios are a means of keeping evidence of progress and achievement in skills to support learning profiles and reports especially at points of transition.

building the curriculum 4

We have a lot of help on the technical aspects of setting up e-portfolios on the help blog: e-Portfolios | Glow Blog Help


If pupils are using the e-Portfolio plugin the theme and appearance of the site will not affect the profiles. This allows for personalisation, creativity and choice. 

An e-portfolio is likely to consist of a stream of chronological posts, and will not usually need any or many static pages.


Standard use of the plugin would require pupils to make a series of posts and organise them using profile tags.

Alternatively blogs can be used as learning logs in other ways if a profile is not needed. These posts could be organised with standard tags and categories as required.

A complex menu system will probably not be needed although it may be useful to have some. For example a post could be written to set targets and the category changed & post updated when the target is achieved. You could have a Menu item named Targets that would show a page of posts categorised as ‘target’.


Post pupil e-Portfolios are either private or Glow only. We have made a simple example e-portfolio to show the plugin in action.