Coding 30/01/18

BLOG 4- Coding        30/01/18


Today we focused on Coding, similar to the Bee-Bot but this time more complex and on the iPad app Scratch Jr. Scratch Jr is an app which allows the user to code a storyline to a range of complexity and detail. It was developed for young people to help them develop creative learning skills for the 21st century. “As young people create Scratch projects, they are not just learning how to write computer programs. They are learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively – essential skills for success and happiness in today’s world” (The Lead Project 2014).

To get used to the concept and as an introduction we first went on to Puppet Pals where we completed certain tasks. After we were comfortable with that, we moved onto Scratch Jr and were given the chance to explore the app before any real activity was appointed. I have always liked getting the chance to experience each digital technology device/concept as a learner before the role of the teacher as it allows me to feel more confident and comfortable with the task at hand as well as allowing room for broader ideas. We were given instructions to create an adventure story with background changes, several characters, programmes for character movement and the addition of speech. Initially it was rather tricky to get every code to flow the way I wanted it but, in the end, I had created a short cliff-hanger story of ‘Sad News’ where a family discover that something has happened to gran.

From the prospect of a student teacher I immediately saw the limitless possibilities this sort of technology could bring into a classroom, our Literacy based session included. From something as simple as a starter for descriptive or creative writing to an alternative of storytelling for ASN students I am beyond glad there are opportunities available when needed. Moreover, this is also a question of moving with the time. As things do, life is constantly changing and as such things are changing in education, and they need to, especially if we consider the thoughts of those such as Prensky (2008).  His belief is that the single skill that will distinguish a literate person in the 21st century is programming literacy, to have the ability to make digital technology do whatever is required.



Prensky, M (2008) Programming: The New Literacy  [Online] [Accessed: 4th February 2018]


The Lead Project (2014) Super Scratch Programming Adventure: Learn to Program by Making Cool Games! No Starch Press.




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