Tag Archives: CPL

Wee Minds Matter – Infant Mental Health Team (Birth – Three)

Information Sessions: Wee Minds Matter (Infant Mental Health)

Wee Minds Matter is the Infant Mental Health service in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. They have organised lunchtime information sessions over MS teams which will explore infant mental health, what the service can offer and how to refer to this service.

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone working with children from birth to three to improve their understanding and practice in improving infant mental health and wellbeing.

If you would like to attend one of these sessions, please book using the links below:

Date of session – over MS teams   Webropol registration link  
Wednesday 29th November 2023  

12 – 1pm   

Wednesday 31st January 2024 


Wednesday 28th February 2024 


Wednesday 27th March 2024 





Diary Date- CPL – Loss, Grief and Bereavement – 9th March 2023

This training day, hosted by the PPW Hospice in conjunction with Glasgow Educational Psychology Service and NHS Health Improvement Team, will give you the opportunity to learn about theories of grief, explore strategies to support coping with change, and discuss your role in supporting children and families affected by grief, loss and bereavement. Its open to all sectors and is always highly evaluated by attendees. GCC settings should sign up using CPD manager and funded providers can contact Lisa Forsyth (EP, Lead Loss and Bereavement) at lisa.forsyth@glasgow.gov.uk to obtain a place.

Loss, Grief and Bereavement Training Day 2023


Duntarvie PSADC are hosting an open afternoon on Wednesday 8th March 2pm- 5pm. This is a great opportunity to look at resources and discuss strategies and planning with Duntarvie staff, with particular reference to early intervention, sensory profiles, use of visuals, and strategies to support language, communications and interaction.

Note places are limited and must be booked by contacting Duntarvie before Friday 3rd March. 

Duntavie – Open Doors Information Leaflet – March 2023

Diary Dates – CPL – Inclusion Support and Development Group

The Early Years Inclusion Support and Development groups are back!

There is a group in each area (NE, NW and South). Please click on the links below to see further details for the groups and the dates and venues for each area.

**Please note there is a change of venue for the first session only in the North East only. This will now be held in the LEL base, top floor of Royston Primary School, Royston Road, G21 2NU. All other North East sessions will be in Pyschological Services, top floor of Rockfield nursery**

Inclusion SDG Flyer North West area

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North East Area

Inclusion SDG Flyer – South area