This section includes information for practitioners on the approach for youth voice across the region. It has been developed by Community Learning and Development staff, teachers, third sector organisations, officers and wider partners, with support from Education Scotland. It has been endorsed by leaders and directors in each of the 4 local authorities alongside being supported by the Regional Improvement Collaborative.

The approach has three key elements. These elements should be utilised/incorporated within Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, Stirling and West Lothian when youth voice work is being conducted.

This document details how practitioners and leaders should implement youth voice within Forth Valley and West Lothian. It gives clear detail on the overall outcomes that should be strived for, the structures which exist in each local authority, approaches which should be followed and network links.

View Youth Voice Guidance Framework

Contact for more information, support or feedback on the resources:

  Jamie Dungavell –

  Julie Beckett –