Category: Senior Phase- Other Lessons

PSE Other- Senior Phase Lessons


Lesson plans and resources to support the deliver of lessons around financial skills, transitions, interviews etc


FastForward Gambling Toolkit

Resources to support practitioners teaching young people about gambling


Beyond a Culture of Two Halves- Sectarianism Resource

This resource has been updated by YouthLink Scotland as part of the Action on Sectarianism website ( on which it is now available to download for free.


Counter Extremism

This resource has been developed in collaboration with school practitioners, extremism experts, the Department for Education and the Home Office. It is designed to reflect recent developments around extremism and empower staff to safeguard pupils as part of a whole-school approach to implementing the Prevent duty.


Educate Against Hate

Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.