Category: Third & Fourth Level – Planning for Choices and Changes

Planning for Choices and Changes- Third and Fourth Level Lessons

Change is Inevitable

Change is a normal and constant process through which something becomes different. It is an inevitable part of life. This activity helps young people to understand the change process by reflecting on physical changes that happen to living things, with a particular focus on the teenage years.


The Impact of Change

Change is a normal and constant process through which something becomes different. It is an inevitable part of life. Sometimes change can be positive and sometimes it can be negative. This activity helps young people to think about the change process and its impact, both positive and negative.


Coping with Change

Change is a normal and constant process through which something becomes different. It is an inevitable part of life. Sometimes change can be positive and sometimes it can be negative. This activity helps young people to think about different strategies to help them cope with change.