Author: Mrs Bell

Socio economic disparities in school absenteeism after the first wave of covid-19 school closures in Scotland’

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

Research Summary  

Research reference (with link) 
‘Socio economic disparities in school absenteeism after the first wave of covid-19 school closures in Scotland’; Edward Sosu and Marcus Klein, University of Strathclyde, January 2021. Available to access here:  

Socioeconomic Disparities in School Absenteeism after the First Wave of COVID-19 School Closures in Scotland — University of Strathclyde  

Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
This research brief uses daily attendance data, published by the Scottish government, to examine attendance trends in Scottish primary and secondary schools after the first bout of COVID-19 related school closures from 17th August 2020 – 4th December 2020. This data allows the report to discern whether post-school closure absences were COVID-19 related or non-COVID-19 related.  

The report also compares school absenteeism rates pre and post COVID, using biennial yearly attendance rates from 2006/07 – 2018/19. Attendance rates categorised by SIMD are only available from 2012/13.   

In addition, the report strives to determine if socioeconomic inequalities exist in both COVID-19 related and non-COVID related school absenteeism, and if so, to what extent. Socioeconomic information was measured using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). It is important to note that this analysis includes data for both primary and secondary pupils, as SIMD information is only available for primary and secondary combined. Therefore, the report is unable to present findings that demonstrate socioeconomic disparities in school attendance separately for primary and secondary.   

Key relevant findings  
The data analysed demonstrates that students from disadvantaged socioeconomic areas were more likely to be absent following the first post-COVID school return than their more affluent peers. Absence rate figures from December 2020 showed that 21% of absences were pupils from SIMD1 compared to 8% from SIMD5.  


In comparison to absence rates from previous years, the study indicates that overall absence was 2.7% higher. This increase was mainly due to COVID-19 related absences, with non-COVID 19 absence rates similar to that of previous years. However, findings show a rise in socioeconomic inequality in non-covid related absenteeism, with data showing higher absence rates among pupils from the most deprive backgrounds and lower absence rates among pupils from the least deprived backgrounds. The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the health (Lone et al., 2020), wellbeing and learning (Andrew et al. 2020) during lockdown for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, is acknowledged by the report for the rise in socioeconomic inequality, and this extends to the inequality in attendance rates after the first school closures.   


Based on previous research, the report takes the stance that school absenteeism has a detrimental effect on academic achievement (e.g. Gottfried, 2010). After analysing the absenteeism data to identify trends, the report goes on to conclude that the education of children from more deprived socioeconomic backgrounds did not only suffer during the first bout of school closures, but it was also adversely affected through more frequent school closures after the lockdown. Therefore, the report advises that addressing the disproportionate short-term and long-term impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable children needs to be made paramount and placed at the forefront of the educational policy agenda, in order to mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 on achievement gaps.  

Questions research raises 
How can we use this data to support our attendance agenda?   

How can we delve deeper into the socioeconomic factors which negatively affect attendance?  

How can schools best address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the health, wellbeing and learning on pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds?  


Follow up reading suggestions  
Ansari, A. & Pianta, R.C. (2019). School absenteeism in the first decade of education and outcomes in adolescence. Journal of School Psychology  


Klein, M., Goodfellow, C., Dare, S., & Sosu, E. (2020). Socioeconomic Inequalities in School Attendance in Scotland: Research Brief. University of Strathclyde. 


‘School factors associated with school refusal- and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance’

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

Research Summary  


Research reference (with link) 
‘School factors associated with school refusal- and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance’ Soc Psychol Educ (2015) 18:221–240 by Trude Havik · Edvin Bru · Sigrun K. Ertesvåg 
Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
Study –  Based on  2012 anonymous questionnaire survey of 5465 11-15 learners from 45 Norwegian primary and secondary school. Self-reported scaled responses on number of absences, bullying, social isolation at school.  

To investigate how students’ perceptions of relationships with peers at school and teachers’ classroom management are associated with school refusal and truancy.  

Supports viewing school refusal (non-attendance due to expectation of experiencing strong negative emotions while at school) and truancy (related to anti-school sentiments and antisocial characteristics – such as school is boring and activities outside school are more rewarding) This difference is needed to implement effective preventative measures 

Key relevant findings  
Examining and understanding role of school factors is key in exploring school non-attendance 

Poor relationships with peers = important risk factor for school refusal and moderate risk factor for truancy.  

Teachers’ classroom management may indirectly lead to school refusal when not preventing bullying or social isolation by peers.  

Secondary teachers’ classroom management directly impacted on school refusal and truancy through perceived poor support. Good teacher-student relationships could directly influence the prevalence of school refusal and truancy  

Efforts to prevent bullying is important in reducing school refusal more so in primary than secondary.  

Social isolation at school affected secondary school refusers more.  


Impact of absence -on personal, emotional, social ad academic development.  

Prolonged absence effects – school dropout, impaired social functioning, unemployment, mental health problems, needs for welfare services 

Impact of truancy – delinquent behaviour, juvenile crime. 


Difficult peer relationships – Studies suggest that having good friends who provide social support may prevent school refusal as school refusers can be shy and socially withdrawn so problematic peer relationships and bullying have an impact.  

Teachers’ classroom management – includes structuring social interactions, supporting individuals. Lack of classroom order/structure/organisation may have a role to play as difficult to prevent bullying, unpleasant or threatening experiences. Structured classrooms promote predictability which supports attendance.  

Individual and family factors – Emotional instability can lead to anger, anxiety, depression and vulnerable to stress and more at risk of school refusal. Parental support of school can lower truancy.  


Questions research raises 
1. How are students’ perceptions of relationships with peers at school and teachers’ 

classroom management associated with SR-related and truancy-related reasons 

for school non-attendance if controls are included for emotional stability, parental 

interest in schoolwork and parental monitoring of reasons for absence? 

2. Do these associations differ between students in primary and secondary school? 


Follow up reading suggestions  

The survey questions could provide the basis for your own survey.  


‘School factors associated with school refusal- and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance’

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

Research Summary  


Research reference (with link) 
‘School factors associated with school refusal- and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance’ Soc Psychol Educ (2015) 18:221–240 by Trude Havik · Edvin Bru · Sigrun K. Ertesvåg 
Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
Study –  Based on  2012 anonymous questionnaire survey of 5465 11-15 learners from 45 Norwegian primary and secondary school. Self-reported scaled responses on number of absences, bullying, social isolation at school.  

To investigate how students’ perceptions of relationships with peers at school and teachers’ classroom management are associated with school refusal and truancy.  

Supports viewing school refusal (non-attendance due to expectation of experiencing strong negative emotions while at school) and truancy (related to anti-school sentiments and antisocial characteristics – such as school is boring and activities outside school are more rewarding) This difference is needed to implement effective preventative measures 

Key relevant findings  
Examining and understanding role of school factors is key in exploring school non-attendance 

Poor relationships with peers = important risk factor for school refusal and moderate risk factor for truancy.  

Teachers’ classroom management may indirectly lead to school refusal when not preventing bullying or social isolation by peers.  

Secondary teachers’ classroom management directly impacted on school refusal and truancy through perceived poor support. Good teacher-student relationships could directly influence the prevalence of school refusal and truancy  

Efforts to prevent bullying is important in reducing school refusal more so in primary than secondary.  

Social isolation at school affected secondary school refusers more.  


Impact of absence -on personal, emotional, social ad academic development.  

Prolonged absence effects – school dropout, impaired social functioning, unemployment, mental health problems, needs for welfare services 

Impact of truancy – delinquent behaviour, juvenile crime. 


Difficult peer relationships – Studies suggest that having good friends who provide social support may prevent school refusal as school refusers can be shy and socially withdrawn so problematic peer relationships and bullying have an impact.  

Teachers’ classroom management – includes structuring social interactions, supporting individuals. Lack of classroom order/structure/organisation may have a role to play as difficult to prevent bullying, unpleasant or threatening experiences. Structured classrooms promote predictability which supports attendance.  

Individual and family factors – Emotional instability can lead to anger, anxiety, depression and vulnerable to stress and more at risk of school refusal. Parental support of school can lower truancy.  


Questions research raises 
1. How are students’ perceptions of relationships with peers at school and teachers’ 

classroom management associated with SR-related and truancy-related reasons 

for school non-attendance if controls are included for emotional stability, parental 

interest in schoolwork and parental monitoring of reasons for absence? 

2. Do these associations differ between students in primary and secondary school? 


Follow up reading suggestions  

The survey questions could provide the basis for your own survey.  


School non-attendance: definitions, meanings, responses, interventions Dario W Pellegrini 

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

Research Summary  

Research reference (with link) 
School non-attendance: definitions, meanings, responses, interventions Dario W Pellegrini 

March 2007 

Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
This article reviews definitions linked to ‘school refusal’, examines discourses on school non-attendance and reviews tools and interventions which can be used to support non-attenders, their parents and schools.  
Key relevant findings  
This article argues against using the definitions ‘school refusal’ and ‘school phobia’, and recommends instead using the phrase ‘extended school non-attendance.’ Pellegrini suggests that the term ‘extended school non-attendance’ describes the visible behaviour neutrally, without suggesting what related factors contribute to it. 

The author’s review of written texts on the subject of extended non-school attendance identifies a dominant clinical discourse with use of language such as ‘treatment’, ‘symptoms’, ‘disorder’ and ‘diagnosis’. Other discourses focus on the legal elements of school non-attendance, directing the focus on parents as the problem rather than examining systemic factors which may influence non-attendance.  

Referencing a study by Malcolm et al (2003) of parents, children and education staff on factors influencing non-attendance there were varying factors identified by each of these groups. For pupils factors included problems with lessons or teachers, the complexity of secondary schools, peer pressure, social isolation and bullying. Parents of both children with and without attendance problems believed that bullying and problems with teachers were the principal reasons for non-school attendance while school staff believed that low parental interest and low belief in the value of education were contributing factors. Pellegrini suggests that all parties need to be supported in understanding each other’s discourses and to devise interventions which address the factors influencing attendance at individual (child), group (peer/family) and systemic (school) level.  

The article discusses the importance of considering characteristics of the child and family as factors contributing to non-attendance but also highlights the need to consider school risk factors. One suggested way of doing this is using the ‘School Refusal Assessment Scale’ developed by Kearney and Silverman (1990). This assessment helps identify the needs of individual children through 4 functions of non-attendance * and is completed by the child and their parents. The limited evidence presented in the text suggests that using the SRAS assessment scale could be beneficial in improving measures of non-attendance, however it recommends being used alongside other assessments.  

Early identification of pupils at risk of non-attendance should take place, using a multi-agency approach to identifying factors which could be a cause.  

Interventions to support returning to school at individual level should not exacerbate any underlying issues, such as anxiety, by forcing a child to spend time within a school setting. Unless environmental factors which have led to the non-attendance are addressed such interventions are likely to be unsuccessful. Effective interventions at systemic level include awareness raising through staff training, ensuring a member of staff has responsibility for attendance, flexible part-time timetables, peer-mentoring, effective anti-bullying policies, identified ‘safe havens’ and whole school emotional literacy programmes. Parental interventions such as training in positive behaviour management are also cited.  

Educational Psychologists have a key role to play in supporting work with non-attending pupils, this can include assessment, intervention, parental training, social skills and behavioural support.  

* 4 functions of non-school attendance (Kearney et al 1990):  

1. avoidance of specific fear and anxiety-provoking stimuli/ settings    2. Escape from social situations which are unpleasant and/ or an element of evaluation is present       3. Attention seeking     4. Positive reinforcement (e.g opportunity to spend time with peers or parents by non-attending). 

Questions research raises 
How well-informed are staff on the risk factors for non-attending pupils?  

How quickly do we take a multi-agency approach to addressing non-attendance? 

How involved are EP staff in the early stages of identifying ‘at risk’ pupils and risk factors?  

How does each setting promote and model emotional literacy across the whole school context?  

Follow up reading suggestions  
Kearney, C. A. (2001). School refusal behaviour in youth: A functional approach to assessment and treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 

Kearney, C. A., & Albano, A. M. (2004). The functional profiles of school, refusal behaviour: Diagnostic aspects. Behavior Modification, 28(1), 147–161. 

Kearney, C.A. & Silverman, W.K. (1990). A preliminary analysis of a functional model of assessment 

and treatment for school refusal behaviour. Behavior Modification, 14(3), 340–366. 

Yoneyama, S. (2000). Student Discourse on ‘Tôkôkyohi’ (school phobia/refusal) in Japan: burnout 

or empowerment? British Journal of Sociology of Education, 21(1), 77–94. 


Solutions to school refusal for Anxiety

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative  

Attendance Focus: August-October 2022 

Research Summary  

Research reference (with link) 
Solutions to school refusal for parents and kids 

Current Psychiatry. 2006 December;5(12):67-83 

Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
This is an informational article backed by a range of research studies. 
Key relevant findings  
Longitudinal studies indicate that school refusal behaviour, if left unaddressed, can lead to serious short-term problems, such as distress, a decline in academic performance, alienation from peers, family conflict, and financial and legal consequences. 

Common long-term problems include delinquent behaviours, economic deprivation, social isolation, marital problems, and difficulty maintaining employment. Approximately 52% of adolescents with school refusal behaviour meet criteria for an anxiety, depressive, conduct-personality, or other psychiatric disorder later in life. 

The most common age of onset is 10 to 13 years. It is Imperative to ascertain the form and function of school refusal behaviour. (Click the link for an example of a School Refusal Assessment Tool ) 

Aside from medication psychological techniques can be applied. Once the primary reinforcers for the behaviour have been established then a tailored technique can be applied, such as-child-based interventions to manage anxiety (cognitive therapy, breath work) parent-based techniques to manage refusals such as incentives and disincentives for attendance/non-attendance and help in establishing effective parenting skills. In severe cases a multidisciplinary approach is required including psychotherapy and or medication. A multi-agency/parental inclusion approach is most often a crucial element in resolving school refusal behaviour. 


Questions research raises 
 Are all educators aware of the short and long-term consequences of school refusal and     what could mitigate these? 

What policies and procedures are in place (both at LA and school level) to support children and families dealing with school refusal issues? 

How effectively do we identify and assess the underlying causes of absence including home, educational setting, and community factors? – Are we ascertaining the primary reinforcers and tailoring our interventions to specific needs? 

How do you effectively support those learners returning after extended absence? 

How could you facilitate an effective multi-agency approach? 

In what ways are we effectively addressing barriers to attendance? 



Follow up reading suggestions 

Emotionally Based School Refusal Manual 



3. Can Informing Parents Help High School Students Show Up for School?  

         Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

           Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

           Research Summary 

Research reference (with link) 

Can Informing Parents Help High School Students Show Up for School?  

Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
Quantitative study of the attendance of students in 2 groups; those receiving daily absence alerts in voicemail form and those receiving voicemail plus additional text messages, over 71 days in a school year.  

This intervention used text messaging to send daily absence updates and weekly attendance summaries to guardians of students in New York City High Schools. Students were assigned randomly to receive the messages and guardians were automatically opted in to the study with the opportunity to ‘opt out’ if they chose to. The system did not replace the existing automated robo voicemails that were already being sent to guardians. Both the control group and the text message groups still received these.  

The intervention took place during the second semester of the 2015 – 16 school year. 

Text messages were sent between 6pm and 10pm on the day of absence and did not frame the information in a positive or negative way or prompt guardians to take any further action. Each message was sent in the student’s first language, to any guardian whose phone number was associated with them. The school contact information was also included within the messages.  

Key relevant findings  
Generally, both groups were similar to each other at the start of the study in terms of their attendance during the first semester, the % of the group containing students with chronic absenteeism and % of households with a non-English speaker.  

The evaluation found that there was no change in attendance for those students who received the text message information. Both groups had second semester attendance of about 86%. There was a pattern of attendance noted for both groups across the semester; attendance declined across the course of the semester, after a holiday and after the weekend. Attendance for both groups declined in the second semester compared to the first.  

There were no statistical differences in attendance for different sub groups e.g by grade level, those with only 1 guardian receiving messages compared to 2, or those with English as an additional language.  

Explanations for the lack of meaningful effects of the study concluded that:  

  1. The study may have been too broad as it targeted all students, not specifically those with chronic absences.  
  1. The intervention gave parents no further informational support to prompt them to take action on absences.  
  1. The intervention may have needed to have taken place at a different time or for a longer period of time.  
  1. The continued use of the original voicemail system for the text message group may have been overload for the parents receiving both types of alert.  

The report recommendations are: 

  1. Target attendance interventions on students in the first year of high school.  
  1. Build relationships with parents so they regard information on absence as being non-punitive.  
  1. Engage parents and students together to address barriers to attendance.  
Questions research raises 
How meaningful is the information we share with parents regarding pupil absence?  

How can we best engage with parents without overloading them?  

How do we engage parents and students together to address barriers to attendance?  

What referrals and services are available to support parents in promoting attendance? How do we inform parents about these?  

Follow up reading suggestions  
Bruce, Mary, John M. Bridgeland, Joanna Hornig Fox, and Robert Balfanz. 2011. On Track for Success: The Use of Early Warning Indicator and Intervention Systems to Build a Grad Nation. Washington, DC: Civic Enterprises. 

Balfanz, Robert, and Vaughan Byrnes. 2014. A Report on the New York City Mayor’s Interagency Task Force on Truancy, Chronic Absenteeism, and School Engagement. Baltimore: Everyone Graduates Center, Johns Hopkins University. 



2. Healthy Minds

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative  

Attendance Focus: August-October 2022 

Research Summary  

Research reference (with link) 
Healthy Minds- Education Endowment Foundation 


Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
The Healthy Minds course aimed to improve health related outcomes for teenagers in the UK. The course was made up of 14 modules, totalling 113 hours and delivered to pupils aged 11-15. The 14 modules were developed from elements of different evidence-based health-promoting programmes. The lessons, which were taught directly by a trained teacher or a learning support assistant, took about one hour per week, and either replaced schools’ existing PSHE lessons, or could be built into the school week at other times. It was delivered to pupils over four years, from Years 7 to 10 (covering ages 11 to 15). The trial started in schools in September 2013 and ended in July 2018. Thirty-four schools were recruited over two phases, 13 in 2013 and a second group of 21 in 2014. Five of the control schools from phase one of the trial were assigned to receive the intervention in the second phase, meaning that there was a total of 39 cohorts.  

This evaluation focused on health outcomes as measured by the Child Health Questionnaire-CF87 (CHQ-CF87) (Schmidt, Garrett and Fitzpatrick, 2002). The primary outcome measure was the single scale of self-assessed general health drawn from the CHQ-CF87. Twelve other scales were evaluated as part of this study as secondary outcomes, alongside other validated scales (the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire, the life satisfaction 0-10 ladder and the Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)). Outcomes were measured after both two years and four years of the programme. A second evaluation conducted by a team at NIESR includes both an impact evaluation looking at academic outcomes and an Implementation and Process Evaluation. This was published in 2020. Overall, Healthy Minds has had some positive impact on health-related outcomes without compromising academic attainment and possibly supporting reducing absenteeism and exclusions. 

Key relevant findings  
Pupils in schools that received the Healthy Minds programme had higher average self-assessed general health (0.25 standard deviations i.e., above the arithmetic mean) compared to similar pupils in other schools after four years. This finding has moderate to high security.  

The evaluation also measured pupils’ self-assessed general health after two years of the programme and found a similar impact (0.23 standard deviation difference).  

Secondary outcomes associated with physical health, behaviour and external relations were generally positive.  

Measures of internalised emotions (Emotional Difficulties, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health) were mainly close to zero and positive after four years of the programme, but in some cases were negative when collected after two years of the programme.  

Further research is ongoing to ascertain whether the optimum time for implementation is two or four years.  

The approximate cost of implementation was £23.50 per pupil per year. The programme requires 7 days of teacher training.  

It is possible to change the ‘Health Related Quality of Life’ of the treated regardless of their starting point. 

Questions research raises 
Are there any extractable key aspects from this intervention which were the most impactful- i.e. Can such an intervention be fragmented, or does it have to be delivered as a whole? 

How would you implement this across your specific setting- what would the model of operation look like, who would staff it and what would the accommodation look like for this? How and to whom would you report impact? What would your criteria be for selecting the participants? 

How would you measure and demonstrate this intervention’s impact on attendance? 


Follow up reading suggestions  
Perry Preschool program in Heckman, Pinto, and Savelyev (2013) 

Bonell, C., Fletcher, A. & McCambridge, J., (2007), Improving school ethos may reduce substance misuse and teenage pregnancy, British Medical Journal, 334:614–16. 




1 EEF attendance REA report

Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative 

Attendance Focus: August -October 2022 

Research Summary 

Research reference (with link) 
EEF Attendance Interventions Rapid Evidence Assessment, March 2022  

Attendance interventions rapid evidence assessment | EEF ( 

Research methodology / Data Collection methods 
This review used a rapid evidence assessment of existing research focusing on a selection of 72 studies, published since 2000. The studies include both randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi experimental designs (QEDs).  

The report documents the following limitations as compromising the validity of evidence and findings:  

  • The majority of studies took place in the USA (only 3 from UK)  
  • Over one third of the studies were shown to have some concern or high risk of bias in their methodologies 
  • There is a lack of sufficient evidence to conclude the effectiveness of some approaches 
  • The report acknowledges that some studies may have been missed due to time constraints and narrowed inclusion criteria restrictions.   
Key relevant findings 
The report places findings into 8 categories of interventions: mentoring, parental engagement, responsive and targeted approaches, teaching of social and emotional skills, behaviour interventions, meal provision, incentives and disincentives, extracurricular activities.  


Overall, the report concludes that the overall quality of the evidence is weak. The report does highlight that there is some promising evidence, with studies showing small or very small impact on attendance, for several strategies including parental engagement approaches and responsive interventions that target the individual causes of low attendance. The report found mixed evidence for mentoring, behaviour interventions, meal provision, incentives and disincentives and extracurricular activities, with studies reporting both positive and negative impact of these interventions on attendance. There is not enough evidence to reach a conclusion for the efficacy of non-targeted interventions and whole-class interventions, such as the teaching of social and emotional skills, which had no impact overall.  

Questions research raises 
Should schools focus on targeted and responsive approaches to attendance, instead of whole-class, non-targeted interventions where evidence of efficacy is weak?  


Should we delve deeper into parental engagement approaches and find examples of good practice in this area?

How can we ensure consistency across our schools and authorities in how we monitor and measure attendance, to gather reliable evidence to help drive sustainable, collaborative improvement in this area?

Due to a lack of high-quality research, do we need to spend more time gathering and sharing examples of effective interventions within and between our authorities? How could we best do this?  

Follow up reading suggestions  
See report for summary of evidence from each study reviewed under each category of intervention.  

See references list to access all studies included in the review. 


WIZE- Digital Wellbeing Update

Protecting Children OnlineCyberScotland have published a blog for parents on ‘Protecting Children and young people online’ with a link to an interactive online security challenge from the National Cyber Security Centre, aimed at 7-11 year oldsProtecting children and young people online – Cyber ScotlandCyberSprinters – NCSC.GOV.UKCyberbullyingThe online security company McAfee has published a report exploring the extent of cyberbullying that children face in different parts of the world (including in the UK).  Cyberbullying in Plain Sight ( Sexual Abuse ImageryThe Guardian reports on new data from The Internet Watch Foundation on child sexual abuse imagery in the first six months of 2022 in the UK.Huge rise in self-generated child sexual abuse content online, report finds | Internet safety | The GuardianOnline Extremism and RadicalisationThe Guardian has published a news story on its investigation into children exposed to online extremism and radicalisation by far-right groups online.