Site Technical Notes

This site uses a few less common features of Glow Blogs

Display Posts Shortcode Plugin

Display Posts Shortcode | Glow Blog Help

This allows us to show galleries of posts for example on the General Film page we use:
[display-posts image_size="thumbnail" wrapper="div" wrapper_class="display-film-listing-tn" meta_key="_thumbnail_id" category="general"]

The galleries uses the Featured Images of the posts as a visual table of contents.

Jetpack – CSS module

CSS – Jetpack

We us CSS to change the appearance of the galleries produced by the Display Posts Shortcode plugin

for example

.display-film-listing-tn .listing-item {
	float: left;
	width: 160px;
	margin: 6px;
	height: 200px;

This gives us a tiling of the featured images.

We also hide the featured image (which is used in the galleries) on the post pages. It seems a bit strange to have a page that shows an image of the movie but you have to scroll down to see the video.

.single-post .entry-thumbnail {
	display: none;

So the posts all have a featured image, that is hidden on the post, but is used by the grids of videos on the Film Pages. See below for howto get a image of a YouTube video.

Youtube URLs

We add ?rel=0 to the youtube URLs used to embed the videos. This used to hide related videos at the end. It now limits the videos shown to ones on the same channel.

Youtube images can be found at 

where sNj8mJq65i4 is the YouTube video id which is useful for the featured images.