True story or fake news?

Have a look at the first 60 seconds of the news report video below and write in the comments if you think it is a true story or fake news.  In two sentences explain why.   Remember to include that key word flummadiddle!




60 thoughts on “True story or fake news?”

  1. This is absoloutley fake news, as if you are allowed vegetable variants of the food, then will it not still be sort of unhealthy? This is a flummadiddle!

  2. I think it’s fake news because no other news report would talk about food being not allowed. And also I think that vegie burgers, pizza and vegie fish and chips are allowed I think that its a flummerdoodle and that’s in a good way.

  3. I think it is fake because people under 16 still eat junk food and sometimes not a lot I do and I have never been fined 1000 pounds

  4. It is false fake news because you can still eat all those types of food.

    chicken nuggets, burgers and all the others are flummerdoodle.

  5. I think this is fake news and its a bunch of flummididdle that all these foods are going to be banned. Also I love all the foods mentioned im sorry I think its fake.

  6. I think true because It is becoming absolutely flumadidle that children are eating junk food and making then 2x there normal size

  7. I think this is complete and utter flumadiddle why would they ban these foods and the fine seems to high for the price of a mcdonalds burger. FLUMMADIDDLE THIS IS NONS4ENCE IT SEEMS TPO CHEESY AND COMICAL TO BE REAL

  8. I think that this fake because no other news reports have food bans and kids are still eating this food today. I think that this is a bunch of flummadiddle tales that have told plus the editing quality was not th

  9. Of course that is fake news kids under sixteen eat a lot of these foods even though most of them are un healthy .This is very flumadiddle.

  10. I think it is a load of flummerdoodle because what if they want to go to McDonalds or burger king they are not allowed to eat burgers or chicken nuggets or even chips. It seems very fake because people that are 16 or under or any age can eat what they want but kids need to ask an adult for any sweets because kids can go crazy.

  11. Its fake news because one of the reasons is that people eat these foods for lunch and that other news websites would have talked about it if it was fake news. It’s flumadiddle.

  12. I think this post is flummadiddle as the government can’t control what people eat. Children would not be able to pay a £1000 fine and are too young to have such a responsibility!!

    1. I agreeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. This is fake, I don’t think anyone In there right mind would believe this! It’s just flummerdiddle that they think that anyone would think this is real!

  14. I think this news is flummadiddle. No other news stations have reported on this and it would cause many places to close down or not gain as much money.

  15. I think this is flummadiddle news because if kids were not allowed to eat pizza and chicken nuggets then pizza hut and McDonalds would not get that many sales and there restaurants would have no money and there would be no point in the restaurant

  16. I thing the news is not real because it a piece of flummadiddle and kids are fussy.

    kids are the fussy people on the planet some little kids will not eat any thing so boom

  17. I believe this is fake, I believe this because it doesn’t seem right that people could ban certain foods just because they’re unhealthy, I mean it’s alright to have a treat every once in a while. This is a flummididdle.

  18. This I think is complete rubbish.Kids have the right to eat what they want . It is flummididdle and hated news all around the universe even aliens will disagree

  19. I think this is fake news because this is what most kids eat and love why take it away HMM I bet that news guy loves his pizza with the X factor ps happy Flummididdle ✌🏻

  20. I think this is fake news because the presenter seemed to flummadiddle a lot. The story also seems a little bit unbelievable.

  21. flummadiddle such fake news as there is no institution of healthy eating UK. also fizzy drinks and junk food can just be more expensive or reduce the sugar and fat.

  22. Flummadiddle like this should not be allowed to continue. We need to take drastic action to take down fake news on the internet.

  23. it is fake news you can still eat these stuff without being sick it is fake because I have eat these before and I am not sick. Flummadiddle.

  24. I think its fake news because it is flummadiddle to do anything like that to under 16s.
    Imagine a life without chicken nuggets!

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