All posts by Eva Wilkinson

Comment on a piece of creative writing.


Please read the piece of creative writing below and comment on your thoughts with 2 stars and a wish.  Don’t forget to use the key word flummadiddle in your comment.


The Boy by Jean Thewlis (last two paragraphs only)

The boy had always fascinated me. I saw him always in the dark, on the way home from visiting my Grandmother. He was there every week, sitting in a dirty doorway, whittling at pieces of wood, pale face concentrating. He never spoke, this boy, to anyone. I often stopped; tried to engage him in conversation, but his eyes never lifted from his whittling.

Tonight, I decide I must visit him. I leave my body sleeping comfortably and creep out, soundlessly. It is easy to travel this way; weightless and unseen. The boy is still there, whittling. This time he looks at me. I gaze back at him. His hands cease their work. He rises slowly, gracefully, silently. He smiles. He takes my hand.
‘I’ve been waiting for you,’ he says. ‘Welcome.’

Continue a poem.


Below is the beginning of a poem by Roald Dahl.  Can you create the next two lines of text in a comment? Don’t forget to use the key word Flummadiddle!



Dentist and the Crocodile by Roald Dahl

The crocodile, with cunning smile, sat in the dentist’s chair.
He said, “Right here and everywhere my teeth require repair.”
The dentist’s face was turning white. He quivered, quaked and shook.
He muttered, “I suppose I’m going to have to take a look.”
“I want you”, Crocodile declared, “to do the back ones first.
The molars at the very back are easily the worst.”
He opened wide his massive jaws. It was a fearsome sight.



Hello Falkirk Pupil Digital Leaders.

Welcome to your jam packed activity session!

In this activity we are going to explore commenting on posts in Glow Blogs.

When commenting on posts and using Glow and the internet we must follow the Glow Community Rules.


Below you will find 4 separate posts.

Read each post carefully and then follow the instructions to leave a comment.

Each instruction will ask you to leave a comment in a different way.

The challenging part if this activity is to include the key word flummadiddle in each comment you leave!

Please type your FIRST NAME ONLY into the comment box name option and your Glow email address into the email address option.  Leave website blank.  Thank you 🙂