Discovering Mathematics

Before starting this module I thought I was quite good at mathematics. However, upon completion of the module I have realised that what I know about maths is down to rote learning of equations to move up in the levels of the 5-14 curriculum and then to pass exams in secondary school. This module has shown me that for children to become confident in their mathematical abilities they need to see the links between different mathematical topics and be able to link it to lives to make it relevant. The module has demonstrated that if a child is struggling within a topic then it is likely that they have missed the lessons that should have built the foundation for the current topic. This knowledge will allow me to go back to the basics with the learner for them to see the connections between the topics and increase their understanding instead of rote learning equations. I have become more confident in my ability to teach mathematics in a relatable and relevant way. My other blog posts have shown some of the ways in which I can do this.