The Golden Ratio

Fibonacci discovered a numeral sequence that is frequently found in nature and believed that it was significant as it could be seen in many aspects of nature. The Fibonacci sequence is: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…. The sequence is continued by adding together the two previous numbers to get the next number in the sequence. This sequence creates a Golden Spiral which can be seen in flowers and in waves. This spiral is made from the numbers within the Fibonacci sequence. The Golden number of 1.6 can be found by dividing two numbers in the sequence, for example 3/2 or 21/13. As this exists in nature, the Greeks used this ratio in architecture for beauty and balance. The Golden Ratio was used to design the Notre Dame in Paris. This topic for teaching in a classroom is relevant as children can go out and explore this concept in the wider community and it will have relevance to them.

Olsen. S, (2009) The Golden Section Nature’s Greatest Secret. Somerset: Wooden Books Ltd.

Notre Dame The Notre Dame in Paris

wavesFibonacci spiralThe Fibonacci Sequence in the form of a wave.

Maths and Outdoor Education


This is an image of a map of Dundee that was made as the tutor directed task for Maths in the outdoors. It contains some of the most notable features of Dundee such as the Law Hill, Olympia swimming pool, the train station and the Discovery museum. However, this map is not accurate in scale. The models in this map are not the correct distance apart to show where the landmarks are in relation to the city.

If I were to do a lesson on maps in the classroom I would look at scale and ratio to make the maps more accurate. I would also teach the children how to read a map by having examples of real maps. I would have the children create a map of the playground. After this I would pair them up and give each pair a small ball. One person in each pair would hide the ball and the other person will have to find the ball using the map. After the ball has been found the children will then swap over so that both have the chance to hide the ball and practice reading a map.

Discovering Mathematics

Before starting this module I thought I was quite good at mathematics. However, upon completion of the module I have realised that what I know about maths is down to rote learning of equations to move up in the levels of the 5-14 curriculum and then to pass exams in secondary school. This module has shown me that for children to become confident in their mathematical abilities they need to see the links between different mathematical topics and be able to link it to lives to make it relevant. The module has demonstrated that if a child is struggling within a topic then it is likely that they have missed the lessons that should have built the foundation for the current topic. This knowledge will allow me to go back to the basics with the learner for them to see the connections between the topics and increase their understanding instead of rote learning equations. I have become more confident in my ability to teach mathematics in a relatable and relevant way. My other blog posts have shown some of the ways in which I can do this.


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A tessellation is pattern that is repeated with shapes that fir together with no gaps over overlaps. Not all shapes are able to tessellate. As an introduction to the topic in the classroom the children should have access to shapes that will and will not tessellate so they can work out for themselves which ones will tessellate. The next step is to find out why some shapes tessellate when others do not. Shapes such as rhombus, square, equilateral triangle and hexagon can tessellate. This is because the angles within these shapes fit a vertex to give 360° or in the case of  the triangle 180°. Some shapes that do not tessellate include pentagons and octagons. The internal angle of a pentagon is 110° therefore three fitted together is 330° and leaves a 30° gap in the vertex. The internal angle of an octagon is 135° therefore three together is 405° and causes an overlay in the vertex. After children have mastered the skill of tessellating these simple shapes they can move on to Escher style tessellating. An example of this can be seen in the following video: