Tag Archives: Religion

Religion, Culture and ‘Unchurched’ Spirituality

Throughout today’s lecture, tutorial and independent study; I have learned about unchurched spirituality and religion and social issues.

Unchurched Spirituality:                                                                                                                                  Unchurched spirituality are forms of spirituality not associated with organised religions. This sort of belief has gained ground over the years whilst organised religion has declined.  There are many characteristics and criticisms of unchurched spirituality which allow it to be studied and compared with organised religion.

I think I understand the main concepts of unchurched spirituality, what it means and the affect it has on society and culture. I will probably have to do some more reading and research on it to fully comprehend the criticisms and the importance of it in order to successfully convey the information to others or begin to teach it.

Religion and Social Issues                                                                                                      Before this lecture, I was aware of some of the social issues surrounding religion from the news or reading things online. However, after today’s lecture and tutorial; I have a greater understanding on the impact of religion and the social issues that it causes.  Religion is such a diverse topic with everyone possessing different opinions and beliefs that it make sit so difficult to pinpoint an exact problem or an exact meaning as everyone’s beliefs are so varied and different. Like I mentioned previously, although I know have a greater understanding of Religion, Culture and Unchurched Spirituality, I would need to undertake wider research and reading if I was to have to teach this to pupils as it is not a subject I am particularly familiar with myself.

Religion, Society and Diversity


As a result of today’s lecture, tutorial and independent task – I feel like I have been thrown head first into a whole new world. Having not experienced any Religious Education since primary school, I feel today has helped me understand more aboutreligious diversity and the opportunities and challenges it presents to a society.

After today, I now understand that religion can be split into 3 types (as a social institution) – established religion, sects and cults. When exploring cults, I felt the Jim Jones video really helped me to understand the difference between a cult and established religion.

I am only beginning to understand the work done by anthropologists – such as Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917) and M.F.C Bourdillon (1990) – towards the functions of religion. I found this quite confusing to start with but after the independent task where I researched Bronislaw Malinowski in further detail. I am keen to carry out this task with Durkheim and Bourdillon to gain a greater understanding as well as doing some wider reading.

Although I don’t have many of my own opinions when it comes to religion, as I am not a religious person myself, I feel today’s lecture will help me as a teacher when relaying information to children about religion. It has given me more of a background and has allowed
me to expand my views on religion and diversity in society, which will help me when teaching children from different cultural backgrounds and who have different beliefs.