Tag Archives: Progression

Improving Sciences Education 3-18 Conversation Day

The first of our face- to-face Improving Sciences Education 3-18 conversation days took place on Monday 10th at Denholm House in Livingston.

Find out more on our Sciences Impact Project blog bit.ly/sciences3-18talk

Sound context on STEM Central

This week we’ve launched our  Sound context which includes learning journeys from early to fourth level. The context builds the storyline through our ability to make sound, sound as a tool of communication, for example through talk or by using music to convey a message. It progresses on to sound as a tool of communication at a distance and our ability to manipulate sound.

The progression begins with What’s that sound? for early level, an exploration of sound sciences and technologies through constructive play. Make the Sound provides further opportunity for enquiry-based learning, and hands-on sciences and technologies in  the context of sound.

How animals use soundsound applications and communicating through sound are three learning journeys for second level, to illustrate breadth and application, and the basis for progression to Engineering Sound at fourth level, developed in conjunction with SSERC.

Launch of The Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Project report

Education Scotland today launches The Sciences 3-18 Curriculum Impact Project report. The sciences and social studies reports are the first two reports in a Curriculum Impact series designed to present a subject-by-subject picture of how children and young people are experiencing learning in different areas of the 3-18 curriculum across the country.

Providing subject-specific analysis and evaluation of current practice, based on a range of independent inspection activities, the report identifies emerging innovative and thought-provoking practice, while highlighting important areas for development. Published on the web, the report will be refreshed from time to time with links to newly-identified, practice and evidence, a dynamic approach that will keep the reviews contemporary on an on-going basis, and relevant to developing needs.

A summary for children and young people has also been published, along with a summary of key strengths and aspects for development.

The publication is intended to provide a focus engagement by children and young people, parents, practitioners and the wider sciences community in Scotland.

Through our Sciences 3-18 Impact Project blog, we want to engage all those involved in the sciences 3-18 to talk together  about how we can work together to take forward the key messages of the report.

This outward facing, public blog is a mechanism to allow engagement by all.





Talk with us on bit.ly/sciences3-18.

The STEM Professional Learning Community will also act as a focus for professional dialogue and learning around the Sciences 3-18 Impact Project. Join us, using your Glow login in, on bit.ly/stemhome.