Tag Archives: Assessments and exams

Higher Sciences Evidence Spreadsheets

Posted on the NQ Higher Sciences website Higher evidence recording spread sheets for Higher Biology, Higher Chemistry, Higher Human Biology and Higher Physics. Similar to the spreadsheets shared to record the evidence for nationals, these are bespoke to each Higher. They can accessed at
Biology http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/highersciences/biology/learningandteaching/resources.asp
Chemistry http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/highersciences/chemistry/learningandteaching/resources.asp

Many thanks to John Watson of Campbeltown Grammar and to the SQA for their help and support in producing these.

Higher Sciences Evidence Spreadsheets

Posted on the Sciences Glow 365 site, Higher evidence recording spread sheets for Higher Biology, Higher Chemistry, Higher Environmental Studies, Higher Human Biology and Higher Physics. Similar to the spreadsheets shared to record the evidence for nationals, these are bespoke to each Higher. They can accessed from the Higher folder for each subject. To download, click on the three dots on the right of the title, then click on the second set of three dots and click on download a copy. Many thanks to John Watson of Campbeltown Grammar and to the SQA for their help and support in producing these. For more updates, delivered to your Glow newsfeed, for the subjects and levels you’re interested in click on the hashtags in the newsfeed and click on follow.​

Higher Human Biology Resource Guide

This Higher Human Biology Resources Guide links Mandatory key areas to useful learning and teaching resources.

The pages show the Mandatory key areas table from the SQA Higher Biology course and unit support notes with an additional column containing hyperlinks to videos, animations and other resources. Content new to the course from the Higher Still Higher have been highlighted in green to further assist practitioners.

Updates will be posted on GLOW 365

This resource compliments similar guides produced for Higher Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Higher Human Biology Resource Guide

Higher Sciences Cross Authority Writing Group

Following the NQ Sciences events which took place in Hampden Stadium in December 2013, Education Scotland, in partnership with the SQA, organised cross authority writing workshops for NQ sciences qualifications. Faculty Heads and Principal Teachers from 30 local authorities have attended and worked collaboratively to co-develop materials for priority areas identified required support at the Hampden events.
These events have been hugely successful; at the first event hosted at SSERC materials for the National 5 Assignment, National 4 Added Value Unit were produced along with a bank of open ended questions.
The first Higher event allowed practitioners to evaluate Education Scotland materials and to generate and share further support materials. The second event at SSERC allowed delegates to choose practical activities appropriate for the new Highers and practice these as well as gain some content training from our partners at SSERC. Over 500 resources was shared through the GLOW 365 sciences platform.
The third Higher Cross-Authority Writing Workshop took place on Tuesday 27th May.
The purpose of the day was to provide practitioners with the opportunity to complete the materials they are developing for the Higher Sciences qualifications and professional learning events with updates from industry and further education professionals of the applications and theory of new content areas. Colleagues from HMI, SQA, learned societies, STEMnet ambassadors and research institutes join the group. Presentations included careers in life sciences venture capital, the Higgs Boson, Antioxidants in food and Stem Cell research. Speakers then worked with teachers to produce professional learning materials, teacher and pupil resources and assignment materials.
The feedback from the events was very positive with those attending keen for the model of cross-authority collaboration to be extended to include preparation for the new Advanced Higher courses, review best practice in National 3,4 and 5 courses and to quality assure materials share through the GLOW 365 sciences platform.

N5 Chemistry Past Paper Guidance

Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Chemistry Curriculum.

This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Chemistry and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units and a problem solving booklet for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemical Changes and Structure (pdf)

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemical Changes and Structure

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemistry in Society (pdf)

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Chemistry in Society

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Nature’s Chemistry (pdf)

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Nature’s Chemistry

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Problem Solving (pdf)

Chemistry N5 Past Paper Questions Problem Solving

N5 Biology Past Paper booklets

Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Biology Curriculum.

This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Biology and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.




N5 Physics past paper booklets

Education Scotland and SQA have identified questions from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 papers from the last three years and matched them to Key Areas in the N5 Physics Curriculum.

This resource has been produced in response to the requests from practitioners who attended the National Qualifications Sciences events at Hampden Stadium in December 2013 which Education Scotland organised in partnership with the SQA.

The questions in this resource relate to National 5 Physics and have been taken from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 Past Papers.

Booklets of past papers and answers have been collated for the three units for teachers and students to use as part of their revision programme for the N5 exam.




Getting ready for the National Qualifications – another learner’s perspective

In the run-up to this year’s NQ exams we asked some young people how they are preparing for them and some parents how they are supporting their children through them. Over the next few weeks we’ll share their thoughts with you via this Learning Blog.

‘The countdown to the exams has really begun. All that teachers are talking about now is revision, revision, revision. Some teachers are making classes a bit fun by doing quizzes and games to go through the topics and I like that.

At home I am trying to do a bit extra every night. It is hard to fit everything in and so I have made a timetable which has helped my time management a bit. I get stressed when I can’t fit it all in. I know I have to have some free time too and I am trying to get the balance right. I don’t really like all this studying so I am finding it quite hard to motivate myself.

I have some specimen papers for the subjects I find the most difficult and they have helped my studying quite a bit. They really helped me prepare for the prelims too. I am going to start using the revision pages from NPFS too now.

As I am doing N5 music I try to play my violin most days for a change of focus. I have already completed the music practical exam which gave me a little sneak preview into the tension that overcomes you when entering the exam hall. This is my first ever sitting of exams so this part of it frightens me a little.

I have been going to supported study three times a week after school and some subjects have lunch time revision classes too.  I am going to go to Easter School during the Spring Break.

The exams still feel a wee bit away but I know that nearer the time I will have to prioritise a bit for the next exam.

I will be glad when they are all over….’

Pupil (S4)

(Take a look at the Parentzone website which has information and advice for parents and carers who have children sitting exams in the coming weeks. )

Getting ready for the National Qualifications – a learner’s perspective

In the run-up to this year’s NQ exams we asked some young people how they are preparing for them and some parents how they are supporting their children through them. Over the next few weeks we’ll share their thoughts with you via this Learning Blog.

‘How am I preparing for my exams?

‘I am in S4 and this is the first year that I have had to cope with preparing for exams and up until now I have been trying to keep up with the course work and units which seem to have all come at the same time.

Now I am starting to revise for the actual exams.  Some of my teachers are running supported study classes after school.  This is good as it lets me ask the teacher some of the stuff I have not quite picked up yet.  I am studying at home but I still need to fit in all of my other activities – football training, table tennis and playing the X-box.  Doing these other things takes my mind off too much studying.  At times my head feels as if it will burst.  A set of drums might help!

I am going away at Easter and I will be taking as many books as I can carry.  I will have to find time before going out to study.  I want to practice with the specimen papers and questions, and look over my course notes.  For some subjects, the books and notes are better than the question papers.  I still have time when I come back.

I am not stressed one little bit but even if I was taking a penalty in the World Cup I wouldn’t be stressed.’

S4 pupil

(Take a look at the Parentzone website which has information and advice for parents and carers who have children sitting exams in the coming weeks. )

Getting ready for the National Qualifications – a parent’s perspective

In the run-up to this year’s NQ exams we asked some young people how they are preparing for them and some parents how they are supporting their children through them. Over the next few weeks we’ll share their thoughts with you via this Learning Blog.

‘Motivating a National 4/5 boy and a Higher girl has thrown up two different sets of problems. The boy, typical of his age, has better things to do. The girl motivated, determined, single-minded, all these things apply, as well as studying has a part time job and believe it or not has a boyfriend, whom she makes study with her.

Leading the boy and persuading him to work has been at times a trial. I have had to side with him in his attitude and make him believe I was just the same and how much more difficult it was to get on in life, to a certain extent true. The biggest mistake was to compare him with his sister, he totally rebelled. The answer was to become his buddy and slowly it is starting to work and I hope to get a pleasant surprise when the brown envelope comes in.

The girl doing Highers is very motivated but has had the occasional confidence drop off. ‘I never get an A’, she says. Then we do a mock exam and in comes a good result. At Parents night she tells her Physics teacher I am no good at this subject and has to be reminded she got top marks in Standard Grade and is leading the class in all the results so far. The point I make is she is smart but the confidence drops off very easily at times and needs boosted, lots of dairy milk chocolate does it. I have had to provide Chemistry tuition at home for her, as during the first term there was no teacher and a lot of the basics had been missing for Higher. This did not help her confidence but we have turned it around.

The key to dealing with both of them is support, support and remembering they are kids.’

Parent (National 4/5 boy and Higher girl)

(Take a look at the Parentzone website which has information and advice for parents and carers who have children sitting exams in the coming weeks. )

Route Maps through Assessment in the Sciences


Route maps through assessment

The Minister for Learning, Dr Alasdair Allan, recently put in place a package of support to help secondary schools to deliver the new National Qualifications. This support included new route maps through assessment and these have now been published on the Education Scotland website. Developed by Education Scotland, in partnership with the SQA, these provide a sequenced list of main messages and links for National 4 and National 5 Sciences.