Updated N5 and Higher Resources guides for Biology, Chemistry, Human Biology and Physics

The highly popular Resource guides for N5 and Higher have been updated with the latest SQA information and new links.

Two versions are available on the Sciences Glow 365 site http://bit.ly/glowsciences

Got some good links to share? Then post using the edit online feature on the editable resource guide.

Or use the pdf version for Education Scotland’s latest update.

These guides can also be found on the NQ Course Materials portal at the following links

Higher Biology

Higher Human Biology

N5 Biology

Higher Chemistry

N5 Chemistry

Higher Physics

N5 Physics

An invitation – Expressive Arts Conversation Day

Expressive Arts Conversation Day 3 will take place on Friday 12th December 2014 at the Insight Institute, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.

Education Scotland and the Scottish Government are keen to take stock of where schools and nurseries and their Teacher Education Institute partners are with regard to developing practitioner confidence and capacity in relation to expressive arts.

The purpose of the day is to
•    explore the current national position with regard to developing practitioner confidence and capacity in relation to expressive arts
•    consider what challenges and opportunities are emerging and how these are being addressed
•    identify areas that require further support and what that support needs to look like.

If you would like to attend the event, please contact Ron Cowie, Senior Education Officer, Expressive Arts.
We expect around 40-50 colleagues from across education sectors and partnership bodies to participate on the day. A programme for the day will be sent out to participants along with confirmation of attendance.