Education Scotland is undertaking a review of its approaches to inspection. Over the coming months, Education Scotland staff will be engaging with stakeholders to consider future approaches to inspection to ensure they take account of recent changes and current priorities in education. The review will look at all the different types of education settings currently inspected by HM Inspectors, and is not just about school inspection. We are also seeking stakeholder views on how we can further improve approaches to improvement through self-evaluation through a revised version of How Good Is Our School (3rd edition) which we aim to publish in autumn 2015. To include as many people as possible in this process, we are carrying out a range of consultation activities, including a series of regional conversation events starting in November.
The first event is being held on Tuesday 25 November 2014 – 10.00 – 15.00 at St John’s Academy, North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth, PH1 5BF, if you wish to attend please contact Andrea Fraser by close of play Wednesday 19 November.
The sciences Glow 365 site continues to develop and is being populated with many resources to support the sciences curriculum.
A tile entitled Primary/Early Years Science is now available on the site through which you can access our newsfeed, resources and blog page. All are easily accessible and provide up to date relevant information for practitioners in each sector.
Our latest blogs include details about grants from the British Science Association, how to access the new FREE primary ReachOut CPD programme and you can download the recent Supporting Primary and Early Years science Glow Meet.
To access the site
The site is work in progress and further developments will be introduced as the Glow 365 platform takes shape
You can also access information and discuss the latest developments with colleagues through the Learning Together site
#primary science
We are delighted to report that the number of subscribers to our quarterly e-bulletin is increasing week on week. To keep informed of the latest developments in primary education please sign up here and encourage your colleagues to do likewise.
A training blog for PLSuperheroes