Moving Forward Together: a discussion event

Education Scotland is taking forward capacity building activities to support Scottish Government’s objective in tackling sectarianism. We are organising a discussion event in the Albert Halls Stirling on 6th October 2014.  This discussion event jointly organised with the Voluntary Action Fund offers the chance to draw upon good practice in communities in dealing with prejudice.

The key objectives of this discussion event are for delegates to hear from Scottish Government on their approach to tackling sectarianism, to build capacity to tackle sectarianism in partnership at a local and national level, to encourage further development of positive working relationships across the wider community including, third sector, education and CLD and to focus on sustainability and legacy at a local level in tackling sectarianism.

The agenda will include opportunities for workshops from practitioners including education authority staff, an update from Education Scotland and a keynote address from Scottish Government. If you require any further information please contact June on 0141 282 5137 or email