Meet Robert the Bruce

Abbot House Heritage Centre, Dunfermline Presbytery, and Historic Scotland are pleased to offer a collaborative programme exploring three themes of the life of King Robert Bruce (1274-1329) for local primary students.

On Tuesday 25th March, the date of Robert Bruce’s inauguration as King of Scotland in 1306, representatives from a dozen P4/5 classes will travel back in time to the 14th century, where they will explore three central concepts—dignity, peace, and humility—through problem-solving, music, and crafts, based on the life of one of Scotland’s most famous kings.

And YOU can join us live via Glow and have an opportunity to meet the King himself and to help him solve a tricky problem! Sign up and join us on Tuesday 25th March at 10.15am in Glow TV or Watch Again if you can’t join us live.
