21st Century Zoo – The Role of the Modern Zoo

Why not find out more about the modern zoo and join the free one day Global Classroom Conference at Edinburgh Zoo on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th November 2012?

Find out if zoos really make a difference to the many species on the IUCN Red List under categories such as ‘Critically Endangered’

Join us, as students take part in free workshops to help answer these questions and more:
· Is there a place for zoos in the 21st Century?
· Should we have captive breeding programmes?
· What role does a zoo play in conservation?

The conference runs 9:30am – 3:00pm and is suitable for S3 – S6 students.

To book and further information please email: education@rzss.org.uk or phone: 0131 314 0335. Maximum of 15 pupils per school limited spaces available so book early.

Booking deadline: Friday 12th of October