Consider yourself creative?
The Creativity Portal is looking for examples of simple, short creative exercises that teachers and youth workers like yourself have used in the classroom and youth group settings.
It could be:
- A creative chemistry experiment
- The school’s fastest paper aeroplane contest
- The imaginative alphabet
- A 30 second dramatic warm-up
We would love to hear what’s worked for you. Get a mention on the national Creativity Portal and an invitation to future creative CPD. A wee bit of text is all it takes.
Add to the Creativity Archive here within Glow.
Or email
More detail about how each new National 5 Course will be assessed is now available. Draft Course Assessment Specifications for National 5 have been published on the SQA website and define the mandatory assessment requirements for Courses at National 5.
The purpose of the Course Assessment Specification is to ensure consistent and transparent assessment year on year. It describes the structure of the Course assessment and the mandatory skills, knowledge and understanding that will be assessed.
Find out more about the qualifications development stages.
Draft Unit Specifications have also been published for new Higher Courses.
Feedback on these documents can be given via Have Your Say until 31 January 2012. The final versions of all SQA draft documents will be published in April 2012.
This resource illustrates the development of financial capability using pupil-run credit unions. The activities address experiences and outcomes within Curriculum for Excellence and help schools and early years’ establishments make connections across learning.
This 3-18 resource will support staff in embedding financial education in the curriculum, supporting family learning and promoting partnership working within the community.
To find out more click here.
Looking for resources for Teaching Technologies?
Visit the Technologies Resource Section on the Education Scotland Website.
A training blog for PLSuperheroes