Why I wanted to become a primary school teacher

It didn’t surprise any of my family or friends when I told them I was applying to university to become a primary school teacher. Why? The reason why was because whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I was older, they were always met with the same response, which was of course a teacher. I believe this need to become a teacher came from being in the classroom with my own teachers in primary school. There were two teachers who I believe I will always remember as they were able to make learning fun, active and engaging and as a result made time in the classroom both enjoyable and valuable. I was able to see the teachers as positive role models and wished that I could do the same job as them and make learning fun for children.

My determination to become a primary school teacher has strengthen by the completion of my HNC childhood practice course at college. It was on this course that I was able to have a placement in a primary 1 class and I enjoyed every minute of it! On this placement I was able to work one on one with children and could see how much of a positive effect both myself and the teacher could have on the children’s learning. I was very lucky to get a teacher who was clearly enthusiastic for her job and had a passion for working with children. I was able to witness this teacher and her mannerisms with the children and it made me realise the teacher I aim to be when I am qualified. The act of just being in the classroom with the children and the teacher made me excited for the future and cemented my belief that I had made the right career path for myself.


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