
  • Disasters

Key Learning:

We learned about the various types of disasters: volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fire and typhoons. These disasters can be more or less common dependant on climate and also in some cases where the earths plates meet. The implications of these disasters can be widespread immediate effects from destruction of infrastructure and to lose of life. There is also a long term implication of disasters as many countries can take years even decades to recover. After the disaster in Haiti many to this day still have not recovered and are having to live in tents. Developed countries like Japan are for more capable of dealing with disasters than a country like Haiti which is developing. We also looked at the effect government can have on how quickly a country reacts to a crisis such as an earthquake. Corrupt governments often only look after themselves and can often take resources for their own gain which means regular people suffer without the aid that was intended for them. We were also made aware of how to broach the subject carefully in the classroom as to not upset children. The way to do this is to focus more on the cause/ effect than to focus on how many died.


Impact on my views/lifestyle/practice:

I found this theme to be very enjoyable, i did not necessarily learn anything i didn’t already know due to having done both modern studies and geography to higher and standard grade levels. Regardless it was still insightful to be made aware of how to broach the subject gently within the classroom.

Unfortunately, I missed the science input due to it being cancelled but look forward to it if/when it will be rescheduled.


Areas of interest to explore further/develop:

Again because i already have a fairly decent grasp on disasters and their effects i don’t feel as though i need to explore this any further but i will be looking into lessons around disasters so that i am aware of how to teach the subject sensitively.

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