Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




Personal Skills  X
 Interpersonal Skills  X
 Communication Skills  X
 Technical Skills  X
 Intellectual Skills  X


Although it is important to identify where we are now, it is not enough to stop there. We need to reflect upon how we can develop the skills where we are less confident and how we can transfer the skills in which we are confident and competent.

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
 Interpersonal Skills  I will use these skills to ensure I always work effectively with others when I am working in a team, and ensure that the team I am working in is working effectively and producing the highest quality work that they can produce.  This skill can be seen in several scenarios, the most recent being in my working together module, I feel that in my group I often act as a leader and work with those around me to build successful networks with other professions.
 Technical Skills  I feel that my technical skills will help me engage with my learning, as it will allow me to be creative by using a variety of apps and different techniques. This will help me with my modules as well as my teaching, when the time comes.  There is evidence of my technical skills in presentation work that I have done throughout high school. There is also some evidence of my technical skills in my blog, as it shows that I can use a variety of applications to create the blog and work on its appearance, as well as showing my understanding of how to work online tools.
 Communication Skills  I feel that my communication skills will help me work better with others and contribute towards my learning. By being able to listen to others, as well as express my own points it will allow me to become a more effective learner and in general communicate better with those around me.  There is evidence of me using this skill throughout my time at high school and university. By participating in clubs at school and university I have been able to prove this skill, for example, in high school I was part of the debate team, this required me to debate formally and informally, contribute to discussions and write for academic purposes.
 Intellectual Skills  I feel that my intellectual skills will help me with future teaching and planning of lessons. As well as help me with my university work and any essays or module work that I have, as I will be able to evaluate information that I have learnt and be able to put it into my work.  There is evidence of this from my school work and past essays that I have completed. There is also evidence of problem solving from whenever I have been in a challenging situation and come up with a quick solution to solve the issue at hand.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills to be developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
 Personal Skills  I feel that my personal skills are fairly strong, but out of all my skills is the one that needs to be improved the most.
I will develop this by working on my self-confidence and self-discipline, as well as my ability to share opinions confidently. I will do this by contributing more in lectures and in group scenarios.
 There is evidence of my personal skills when I am working with people in groups and contributing to the task at hand.
 Intellectual Skills  I will develop this skill by working on my ability to evaluate information and work on my critical thinking, I will do this through practice of evaluation and working with others to try and improve my critical thinking.  There is evidence of this from my school work and past essays that I have completed.There is also evidence of problem solving from whenever I have been in a challenging situation and come up with a quick solution to solve the issue at hand.
 Communication Skills  I will work on my communication skills by working on my ability to take notes and my writing for academic purposes. I will do this through a variation of tasks and activities in order to improve this skill, I will also develop it through group work, as it will allow me to see how others work, and could give me ideas as to how I could improve the skill.  There is evidence of me using this skill throughout my time at high school and university. By participating in clubs at school and university I have been able to prove this skill, for example, in high school I was part of the debate team, this required me to debate formally and informally, contribute to discussions and write for academic purposes.

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