Food Education News June 2017

Please find below Food Education News for June 2017, which includes links to resources to support Food & Health as well as information about opportunities for staff and pupils. Food Health news JUNE 2017 1.    Using food as a context to raise attainment & close the gap Scottish Learning Festival Thursday 21st September 10.45am – 11.45am Using exemplars from schools across Scotland, this workshop aims to empower practitioners to

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DYW COSLA event: 21 June 17

COSLA is hosting a national Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (DYW) Event on Wednesday 21 June at the COSLA Conference Centre, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh. The purpose of the event will be to provide a strategic update on the progress of the DYW Programme as well as to share and promote best practice relating to DYW.   The event will also seek feedback to inform COSLA’s position on DYW going

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Western Isles Council – extensive apprenticeship offer

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and partners will publish an extensive list of over 40 apprenticeships which will see posts created from the Butt to Barra, across a wide range of sectors and departments including: Business Administration Business Management Community Development Child Care Education Attainment Gaelic language assistants Health and Social Care Heritage Human Resource Multi-Media Outdoor/Indoor Education Roads maintenance Sustainable Resource Management Sport and health Motor Mechanics The Comhairle will

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New release: Review of the implementation of the Career Education Standard (3-18), the Work Placement Standard and Guidance on School/Employer Partnerships

Education Scotland has undertaken a national review on the implementation of the Career Education Standard (3-18) since its release in September 2015.  This  also incorporates reflections on the Work Placements Standard and School/Employer Partnership Guidance.  The report outlines  key strengths identified as part of the review process, exemplifies creativity, innovation and impact and highlights areas of development. We are now working with local authorities across Scotland to identify next steps in how best to

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SDS news: National STEM event at South Lanarkshire Council

Frank Devine, SDS Careers Adviser at Uddingston Grammar School, tells us more about a recent event supporting teachers to encourage young people to consider STEM careers.  ‘We understand the influential role teachers play in young people’s careers choices. Part of our role as Scotland’s national careers service is to ensure we work closely with, and support teachers to, offer the support young people need to make informed career decisions.  That

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Scottish Textiles Skills Partnership: ‘Materials World’ – a resource for secondary schools

Material World is a resource that has been developed for secondary schools, designed to use textiles as a medium for delivering learning outcomes related to the STEM, Circular Economy & Sustainability and Developing the Young Workforce agendas. The resource uses case studies of Scottish textile, leather and fashion companies to provide young people with a deeper understanding of the processes used, and products made in Scotland today. Themed activities are linked

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DYW Interesting Practice – Sanderson High School: Tailored learning pathways to meet the needs of all

Winners of the Scottish Education Awards 2017 – category:  Employability across Learning! A whole school approach to DYW offers learners at Sanderson High School in South Lanarkshire a wide variety of career related and work-based learning opportunities that aim to inspire the exploration of future pathways.  The learning experiences within and beyond the curriculum not only provide learners with a significantly enhanced skills portfolio, tracked and referenced through profiling, but also ensure meaningful connections with the world of work and accreditation in

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DYW Interesting Practice – Calderglen High School: Inspirational learning delivered in partnership

Calderglen High School has established far-reaching partnerships to deliver inspirational learning opportunities for young people.  The school’s strategic approach to Developing the Young Workforce ensures that all faculties actively collaborate with partners to develop and deliver a curriculum that supports the development of pupils’ employability and career management skills. Calderglen has radically overhauled its curriculum to meet more appropriately the needs of all learners and to prepare young people for the opportunities, jobs and career pathways.  Using labour market

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Aberdeenshire Council helps to prepare young people for the world of work

Pupils from Ellon Academy took part in the launch a school employer partnership initiative designed to help prepare young people for the world of work. As part of Aberdeenshire Council’s internal Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Strategy, the local authority has partnered with Ellon Academy in a first for the area. Through the partnership, the Council intends to provide support to the academy in several ways. These include continuing to attend

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NPFS Nutshell guide: Creativity, Enterprise and Employability

The latest National Parent Forum of Scotland nutshell guide is now available on the NPFS website: Its focus is Creativity, Enterprise and Employability so we hope you will find this guide particularly useful in your work. It is has been produced by the NPFS in partnership with Skills Development Scotland with input from a range of other partners, including NCLN representatives and Young Enterprise Scotland. It recognises the significant

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