Is that on the SCQF?: First Steps to Work

Community Learning and Development in North Lanarkshire developed First Steps to Youth Work training a number of years ago. Staff saw the benefit to participants of attaching a credit rating to the training and began the third party credit rating process with Edinburgh Napier University. More recently the course has been updated and Glasgow Kelvin College provided the credit rating. The course sits on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

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Interesting Practice exemplar – Castlebrae Community High School: Junior Adventure Leader

This exemplar outlines a 8 week programme that helps learners in  S2 to gain valuable experiences, skills and qualifications in relation to the world of work.  Delivered in partnership with a number or organisations this PSHE course component provides learner with the opportunities to develop a wide variety of employability and career management skills as well as key attributes and dispositions to better prepare them for the world of work. This

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Impetus – Ready for Work report: The capabilities young people need to find and keep work!

In case you haven’t seen this so far: This Ready for Work (2014) report, produced by Impetus-PEF in partnership with the Young Foundation and the Social Research Unit at Dartington (SRU), seeks to provide practical answers to the question: how can we help young people be ready for work? The study aims to support those who fund, invest in or provide services to improve the employability of young people – including

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Amazing Things – the guide to youth awards

The 4th edition of Amazing Things – the guide to youth awards in Scotland has been launched by the Awards Network to coincide with the 2017 Scottish Learning Festival. Featuring 26 youth award providers and more than double the number of youth awards than the previous edition, it is packed with information that will help young people, educators and employers to learn more about youth awards and how they contribute

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Food Education News June 2017

Please find below Food Education News for June 2017, which includes links to resources to support Food & Health as well as information about opportunities for staff and pupils. Food Health news JUNE 2017 1.    Using food as a context to raise attainment & close the gap Scottish Learning Festival Thursday 21st September 10.45am – 11.45am Using exemplars from schools across Scotland, this workshop aims to empower practitioners to

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‘Speakers for Schools’: Inspirational talks by UK’s leading figures

Speakers for Schools is an independent education charity that provides young people in state secondary schools with access to key influential, eminent figures – free of charge. In 2012 they launched in Scotland but know there are still many schools not yet aware of their work that can help support them in their aims to better prepare their young people, inspire them in their ambitions and help young people develop

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Why are creativity skills important for attainment? – new Creativity JPEGS available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs are drawn from the Why are creativity skills important for attainment? infographic available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see here.

In focus: How ‘Insight’ supports DYW

Insight assists secondary schools and local authorities in identifying where improvements can be made in the senior phase as well as areas of success and best practice. It supports professional dialogue about performance at whole school, curriculum area and subject level as part of the improvement process to raise attainment and improve post-school participation in employment, further and higher education. Insight went live in September 2014 but did you realise

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Scottish Education Awards 2016: ‘Enterprise and Employability’ winners

Here are the winners and finalists for this years Scottish Education Awards in the category ‘Enterprise and Employability across Learning’: Early Years and Primary Winner:  Ferguslie Pre-Five Centre  Finalists:   Bonhill Primary School and Cargenbridge Primary School Secondary Winner:  Braeview Academy     Finalists:  Ellon Academy and Linwood High School Here is a brief description of the schools’  achievements: Ferguslie Pre-Five Centre, Renfrewshire One example of the ways in which Ferguslie Pre- five

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