Making connections: Numeracy & Mathematics and the world of work

The following materials will be of interest to anyone who would like to explore connections between numeracy/mathematics and the world of work. It includes an interactive financial education resource, Money Talks, an article on how mathematics is used in the workplace from the Mathematics Association of America and Citizen Maths, a site for people who want to become more confident in using maths at work and in life.     There are also

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‘Making Education your Business’ – a five step guide to school/employer partnerships

This new guide developed by teachers and businesses together with the Royal Society in response to its call for closer collaboration between education, industry and academia.  It aims to provide support school or college-employer partnerships mainly through the lens of STEM.  The guide sets out 5 simple steps for companies planning to engage with education or extend their educational partnerships along side a number of case studies that highlight key features

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BT Apprenticeships

This year BT TSO (Technology Service and Operations) are hiring apprentices in your area. These are advanced apprenticeships meaning that successful applicants will receive fully funded training during their apprenticeship leading to a professional qualification in their chosen programme. Students can apply here: Read through the information on the page and the links on the left and then apply. Entry requirements: Four Standard Grades – grades A –C including Maths

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DESMOS Support for Practitioners

Desmos is a graphing calculator which millions of students around the world use for free.   Desmos also create activities on top of that calculator, helping students use a powerful tool to experience all the curiosity, beauty, and sense that math has to offer. Those activities were used so often by so many teachers around the world they created an Activity Builder, helping every teacher create digital math activities that equal

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Technologies at Work – Real life, Real Time

27 January 2016- 2:30pm In March last year Education Scotland published ‘Building Society: Young people’s experiences and outcomes in the technologies’.   This impact review recognised how important this area of the curriculum is in preparing young people for the world of work. Technologies at work is a series of Glow meets that will allow young people to interact with people who have made a career through working in a range

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This document aims to support care staff working collaboratively with education staff to support children and young people with their learning in the care setting. It recognises that care staff are already supporting children and young people’s learning in care, and aims to provide them with practical examples which will assist services to further improve learning outcomes for children and young people across care and education. The examples of learning

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Primary Futures – a campaign to show children why literacy, maths and science matters.

Scotland’s new Chief Medical Officer Dr Catherine Calderwood today visited Sciennes Primary School in Edinburgh to launch the Primary Futures ‘Who’s in Health?’ campaign; to help young children understand how people in the health sector use literacy, maths and science in their jobs.  Who’s in Health? is a free initiative for state primary schools run by the Education and Employers charity in partnership with the Medical Schools Council. It encourages

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West Lothian College STEM Manifesto

West Lothian College has pledged to develop  a spirit of innovation, enterprise and partnership in STEM education and training.  They aim to provide first class and consistent opportunities for all their learners in this area. The college will focus on a wide range of issues in order to create new and flexible methods of learning to maximise educational outcomes around STEM.  These include giving STEM education a more prominent status, focusing on employment opportunities

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Professional learning workshops from OPAL, SEPA and Ricardo Energy

Free professional learning workshops available for practitioners at Hillpark Secondary School, Glasgow on 25th November 4 – 6pm. Come along and learn about air pollution, how to use data about air quality in your classes and finding indicator species such as lichen in your local area! Sign up using our simple survey here:

CoderDojo Scotland Community Evening

Join CoderDojo, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 from 19:00 to 21:00, Glasgow Science Centre, for an evening of sharing and inspiration with digital experts from coding clubs across Scotland. Find out what’s going on in the clubs, and get top tips and advice from volunteers and industry leaders. This event is open to all CoderDojo volunteers, or anyone with an interest in digital making in Scotland. There will be inspirational and

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