EU Report: Youth work’s contribution to aid transition from education into employment

The contribution of youth work to address the challenges young people are facing, in particular the transition from education to employment. The Report presents results from the work of the expert group set up under the European Union Work Plan for Youth for 2014-2015. The findings detail the role of youth work and its specific contribution to addressing the challenges young people face, in particular the transition from education to

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Education Scotland’s DYW resource – a summary

Since the implementation of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy in response to the recommendations put forward by the Commission for Developing the Young Workforce in September 2014 Education Scotland has publish a number of key documents and related resources to support practitioners in realising the ambitions around DYW.  Here is an overview which aims to help navigation and access: Key documents: Career Education Standard (3 – 18) Work Placements Standard School/Employer

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All previous DYW e-bulletins/newsletters collated

The DYW e-bulletin has become a rather popular monthly publication with over 4200 subscribers benefiting from the resources, videos, links contacts etc.  we collate across the career and employability spectrum each month.   This will not only help you to keep up to date with the latest developments in this vast changing area of work but also contribute to reducing your workload saving you time searching for information or contacts in this area. You

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Looking to go to college, university, get an apprenticeship or perhaps start your own business? To celebrate our 75th anniversary, The Outward Bound Trust has made a limited number of scholarships available to any young person that would like to take part in The Outward Bound Skills for Life Award in summer 2016 and 2017. The Skills for Life Award is an exciting 19 day adventure which takes place during

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Tackling Gender Imbalances at Scotland’s Colleges and Universities

In support of the Gender Balance Interim Report published by the Scottish Funding Council this research maps out the approaches currently taken by colleges and universities to address gender imbalance.  It aims to: map current activities tackling student gender participation imbalances across Scotland’s FE sector; assess what approaches work best and why in terms of achieving sustained change in relation to gender imbalances; assess what approaches do not work; offer recommendations for 

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Applications have opened for the £1.5 million Innovation Fund

In order to close the attainment gap funds of £3,000-£10,000 per school are available for projects that will help children and young people experiencing socio economic disadvantage. Applications are encouraged from individual schools or partnerships of schools working collaboratively. Schools can choose whether to apply quickly for funds to run projects that are ready to start in March, or to consider bids for the 2016/17 financial year. The Fund is

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Ceitidh Computer Voice Ceitidh is now available from CALL Scotland’s Scottish voice website alongside “Heather” and “Stuart”, the two Scottish computer voices. Heather and Stuart are also licenced for the entire Scottish Public Sector. The new Gaelic computer voice is licensed for the Scottish public sector, so it can be used by students in schools, colleges and universities, NHS patients, and employees in the public sector. CALL also has permission

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Prince’s Trust Future Starts in Hospitality

The Prince’s Trust is currently piloting a programme called Future Starts. These are taster days for S4 and S5 students to explore potential careers in an actual workplace. These industries include Hospitality, Retail, Automotive, Technologies, Construction, Sport, Hair & Beauty and Childcare. The Future Starts pilot is partially funded by the Wood Foundation and partly by the Scottish Government. The programme began in 2015 and is funded for two years

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Live webcast: Equalities and Inclusion, New date/time: 4 Feb @ 1pm

When is it?  Thursday, 4 February, 1 – 2 pm Who is this for?  Teachers,  employers, parents/carers and anyone one else interested or involved  in the development of  equalities and inclusion agenda, particularly around career education from 3 -18. Where?  Live on Glow TV Sign up here: About the Glow Meet: This interactive session will  bring you key information about the latest developments of the area of Developing the Young Workforce. You will hear from

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Equalities Funding available to employers

A fund to help employers recruit more Modern Apprentices from diverse backgrounds has been launched by Skills Development Scotland. The Employers’ Equality Action Fund offers grants of between £3000 and £10,000 to private, public and voluntary sector employers to run pilot projects aimed at improving access to Modern Apprenticeships amongst under-represented groups. The aim of the fund is to encourage innovative and pro-active approaches to increasing uptake of Modern Apprenticeships

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