‘DYW – interesting practice’ exemplars: First six now live!
The first six ‘DYW interesting practice’ exemplars have now been published on Education Scotland’s National Improvement Hub, taking account the increasing number of activities around the implementation of this agenda. These exemplars aim to inspire thinking and discussion around a particular project or key issue as well as to provide people with contacts to collaborate as they progress on their journeys to enhance children and young peoples’ opportunities to develop skills for learning, life and work.
The following exemplars are available:
- Skills Academy programme at St Matthew’s Academy (North Ayrshire): Young people gain vital employability and life skills through this unique initiative.
- SCOTS programme at Forth Valley College: Helps learners consider college courses as a progression route in the senior phase.
- Kibble Education and Care Centre: Delivers a wide range of uniquely integrated services to equip disadvantaged young people with the skills and experience to pursue a fulfilling career and a brighter future
- 2+3 pilot project in East Ayrshire: Re-engages young people in the senior phase to peruse industry-focused learning pathways.
- Developing Career Management Skills – Millburn Area School Group: An education/transition programme across the ASG in Inverness to enhance employability and literacy skills at the same time.
- Clyde Gateway: Scotland’s most ambitious regeneration project, has joined up with education to transform the lives of young people in Glasgow’s East End.
The next exemplifications in the series will be released at the beginning of the new term in August.