SLF Extra 2015/16: Focus – Developing the Young Workforce

The first SLF extra event for 2015-16 takes place on 25 November in Edinburgh. Hosted in partnership with AHDS, thisSLF Extra free event will focus on the relevance of Developing the Young Workforce for primary school and early learning and childcare leaders.

It will comprise a blend of speakers from national agencies (who will focus on recent developments and how they link to existing work, expectations and to the professional standards), inputs from school leaders about their current and evolving practice as well as lots of time for professional discussion and self-evaluation.

You will leave this event with a better understanding of the Developing the Young Workforce, what expectations and supports there are out there for you and your school and you will have had an opportunity to consider your next steps in this important area.


Visit the AHDS website for more information and to book your place.

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