DYW local authority funding for 2015/16

On 15th September, Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training, announced £5.8 million Developing the Young Workforce funding for local authorities for 2015-16. This is intended to help local government to provide increased opportunities for high quality work-related learning for all young people and you can find more information at: http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/-5-8-million-for-Scotland-s-young-workforce-1cf2.aspx  The Scottish Government has since written to local authority Chief Executives setting out more details on the purpose of this funding and the allocation for each local authority.

An additional £1 million has also been made available to colleges in 2015-16 to support them to work in partnership with schools and employers to help support more young people towards jobs. You can find more information on this at: http://news.scotland.gov.uk/News/-1-million-to-support-colleges-1e66.aspx 

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